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I look forward to seeing them.


I was also remembering a thread I read last night about teaching Tango my phone number, and I was speaking with a fellow bird owner who had two of his greys stolen, and he said first and foremost get your bird microchipped.


So I got this idea about not only teaching Tango my phone number, but also to teach her (I say her because I want a female) to say I'm microchipped. Does anyone think microchipped is to long of a word to teach a bird.


PS you should have seen me run around at my monday meeting last night showing everyone who would look Tango's picture.

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I have a pic on my cell phone that I show folks. The people I work with think i'm crazy. I was sent to San Antonio on Friday night and showed everyone I work with at the airport there her pic.


Not sure about the micro chipping. My dogs are micro chipped but still havent decided about Hershey.

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Yeah it does semm a bit questionable, but I am seriously thinking about it.


That cell phone thingis funny, but I know what you mean. I ws sitting at the meeting with Tango's picture in front of me and I kept reaching and touching it with a glisten of love in my eyes.


Hey Tango perched today for the first time. I post a few of the pics for all to see. Of course I didn't post em all, but I posted a few.


Can't wait to see yours.

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I am glad to hear that, because I bought the Alex Stucies book, and although he was an extraordinary bird (ok this is an understatement) I couldn't wrap myself around all the scientific stuff to finish it. That was no cheap book either.


Anyway thanks everyone for all your support in this new adventure I am taking on.

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Wohooo Fellow grey forumonites I jsut found out Tango is a boy. I am rushing out to get cigars and pass them all around. I thought I wanted a girl, but I am extremely happy with him being a boy.


Again there are no emoticons that describe the big happy face I have right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have some good news everyone. Today I got to bring Tango home. He is now in his cage enjoying the full variety of his first toys, and getting to know his new home.


I suddenly hope I can care for him properly and become a good parront to him. Thanks for everyones vote of confidence.

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I have posted some pics earlier this month, but I am sure more will follow as I have filled up my camera two times already.


It was amazing how well he did during the trip home and after getting him here. The guy at the bird store said to put him in his cage and leave him alone for a while.


Well, he did not want to be in his cage, he wanted to be with me. I am guessing that my daily visits (and I do mean daily) down to see him made his transition much easier. For the last two hours we were bonding. I was laying in front of the TV while he was gently clinging to my shirt with his beak, nestled up under my arm sleeping. What a joy already. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.


Now I am off to probably the most trying part of the day. I am letting the dogs in to get a view and check him out. One dog has seen him through the kitchen window already. I know I will especially be on my highest vigilance tonight.

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Congratulations Satchel and Tango!!!


It's been long distance love affair that has know finally come to fruition. :-)


You did the right thing in letting him out of the cage to be with you. It sounds like the only thing important to him, is to be with you regardless of the new surroundings.


Looking forward to all the additional photos coming. :-)

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Thank you Tarnold. I spent the first hour of my morning hand feeding Tango his fruits and vegetables. He doesn't seem to want to eat them unless I am handing him them one at a time. Needless to say I got my got first real food bath today. What a pleasure to be sitting here covered in my new found loves food.


Do you know if I am supose to keep posting to this thread?


How is your Hershey doing?

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