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I am new to this forum because I am getting to bring home my baby grey, and want to know as much information as I can possibly find.


I have read the post about bringing you new baby grey home and have found much good info in there. But, I also have 6 cats and 2 dogs along with 3 cockatiels. One of my dogs licks her lips while looking at the tiels. Is there any suggestions on how I should break this dog of this behavior so my grey does not feel threatened?


Thank you for taking the time to welcome me here.

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Hi Satchel & Welcome to the forum.


Many of us have cats & dogs,The best advice is to supervise your grey at all times when the cats & dogs are around, no matter how tame a domesticated pet is i believe natural animal instinct would kick in given the opportunity.


We look forward to hearing more from you :)

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Hello Satchel and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are getting.


I assume this is your first grey but you are not new to birds as you have 3 cockatiels but you are doing the right thing in finding out all you can before you bring it home.


You have already started reading our many threads but read as many as you can for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


When you can get some pictures of your new baby if you would share them with us we would love to see it.

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Thank you for you reply. Indeed I will supervise, and thanks for the vote of confidence. I got to reading some of the post last night and all of a sudden got overwhelmed with the thought of a new baby, and started to doubt whether I can do it.


But after reading the reply posts I believe I can. Thanks again, and once my new baby is ready to come home I will indeed post some pictures as I am sure I will be totally enthralled by his or her presense.

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Being that this is your first grey it will be very exciting for you, I remember when I first brought my baby home and if you continue to read the threads you will find lots of help.


It's normal to be a little nervous but you will do fine so don't worry whether or not you can handle it, we are here for you any time you need us and will be more than willing to guide you in the right direction, just believe in yourself.


You are about to embark on a remarkable journey, enjoy.:)

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Hi Satchel~! And welcome.


There are some recent and informative threads about handling your parrot and other pets. Check them out :)


I need to stop by the welcome room more often :D


Hope you enjoy the forums=, it's a great place with great people.<br><br>Post edited by: Sevi, at: 2008/06/13 17:27

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The guy at the the bird store said it will be 3 months. I am hoping for sooner though. I finally decided I am going to name it Tango, and have already started collecting the items I will need for him or her.


I am very excited since I have always wanted one.

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I know but 3 months from today seems like an eternity for now. lmao.


Can you tell me what size cage will be best suited for Tango as that will be what I am bringing home next and am trying to find a deal on one somewhere.


I will be buying Tango a play pen also, but Tango might have to be in his cage sometimes so I want him or her to be the most comfortable.


Oh yeah also if you know of any place to purchase one that is reasonably priced that would be good too.


Thanks so much for all the help.

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Yes when you are waiting for something the wait can be like forever but it will be here soon, it will be all the sweeter when it does get here.


I would get a cage at least 2 feet deep and 3 preferably 4 feet wide, they need enough room to be able to open their wings fully and flap. You can do an internet search and find some places that sell cages and ship for free, some here have even gotten their cage off ebay.


A playstand is very convenient for them to play away from the cage but just make sure there are some toys and things inside the cage for him/her to play with when caged to occupy the time.


We have several threads that some members posted pics of their cages and playstands, just do a search to find them.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I just thought I would drop in and tell everyone that Tango is now at the bird store learning how to eat on his or her own. I will know the sex next week, and visit Tango everyday.


Today I took a few pictures to share with everyone. I am so excited! I have read so many books now about them. I truly hope I will be a good mom to my new family member.

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Thank you kitty. I really am excited. I have been visiting him or her every day, and plan to go every day until I finally get to bring him/her home.


I bought a giant cage, a good wooden jungle gym, toys and am looking for one of them big net like things so he/she can climb high.


I wonder is it possible to be spending to much money on this bird? I jsut made my wallpaper his picture and I just look and smile. The guy at the store he will be ready to go in a bout a month, and those emoticons -----> just dont have a big enough smile to represent how I look.


Whoever said dont worry the 3 months will go by fast was right. Thank you now, but I gotta tell you I didn't believe you then.

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Satchel wrote:

I wonder is it possible to be spending to much money on this bird?-----> just dont have a big enough smile to represent how I look.


It is not possible to spend too much. ;-)


I took the same path as you when finding, visiting and waiting for months to bring Dayo home. Those moments you are spending visiting and getting to know your new Grey, are invaluable. You get to watch them grow, build the relationship, trust and take lots of photos at each stage. You are very fortunate compared to many other Grey owners, in that sense.


The time also allows you to research about your Grey, Cages, Toys, Play-stands etc. and purchase them prior to their arrival.


It would be great if you could post some of your experiences and photos as the count down to the "Date of Launch". :-)

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HI Dan,


I posted some photos under the submit photo link. That is the only place I could find to do it.


Today I went and made fianl payment on Tango and spent some time. I think I arrived to early though because he/she didn't seem to thrilled to be out of the cage, so I spent about 30 minutes with Tango and then put him.her back in the cage so it could eat breakfast.


PS I can't wait until next week when I get the dna testing back so I can speak of Tango in either the he or she sex that it is.


I am reading right now the book called "A guide to a well behaved parrot". Are there any more you would recommend?

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Congrats on your new grey. What did you name it? I myself can't wait to bring Tango home. I visit everyday.


The bird store owner said come by any time you like. I imagine he didn't expect me to go there every day. LMAO.


PS you can see pics of Tango on the photos page. He or she is only about 10 weeks old now. How exciting is that?

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Her name is Hershey. The breeder named her that because she is sweet and gives lots of kisses. Endless kisses some nights!

I decided to keep the name since it fits her personality.


Your going to have a blast!


By the way the pictures are adorable!!<br><br>Post edited by: tarnold, at: 2008/08/04 22:17

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Thank you so much. I ran around my meeting tonight showing the picture to anyone who would look.


I think Hershey is a great name. have you posted any pictures yet?


Oh yeah thank you so much Lyric. I sometimes tend to expect the worst out of myself, but I am getting good support here.


Thank you to everyone.

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