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Disaster Planning


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It’s that time of year again…hurricane season. Living on the Gulf Coast every year we need to be prepared for the worst, and it’s something even people not in the hurricane zone should do. With all the flooding, fires, and tornados across the country everyone with pets needs to have a plan.


Always know where your pets carrier is and have it ready. I keep Elmo’s carrier by the cage. Don’t forget about your small birds ether. I keep my finches in a very large flight that won’t fit in the car. I keep two small cages that I can move them into for evacuation. Be sure to have carriers for all your pets. I have 2 cats, 14 finches, and my Congo African Grey; all of them have a designated carrier. If you have dogs and cats be sure to have their tags (if they don’t already wear them) and vaccination paperwork in your evacuation kit.


Not all shelters except animals and many of the shelters that do require you to register before evacuations. Call your local Emergency Management Division to find out where the designated animal friendly shelter is located and register if needed. If you live in one of the many counties that do not have animal friendly shelters you should find out what veterinarian offices are approved for boarding animals during a storm or after another catastrophic disaster. I know I could not bare to leave my animals anywhere during such a stressful time and if you are like me you should keep the numbers to multiple hotels that except pets. They fill up fast so be sure to call early, not the day before the storm hits. If you have family or friends that are inland or in an area out of harms way call them ahead of time and see if you could evacuate to their home with your pets.


I know many of us are guilty of letting our parrots food get down to a day or twos worth before we head to the store, but in this season you need to keep at least a weeks worth at all times. I keep my birds food in plastic locking containers and if need be can be packed into a tote bag quickly and easily, which is also kept by the cage. Be sure to have three days worth of water for each bird as well.


Health emergencies can happen any time and you don’t want to be caught without your first aid kit. My first aid supplies are all in a small toolbox. Nail clippers, needle nose pliers, flour/cornstarch, antibiotic ointment, and the rest of the necessities should always be together and ready to go. Be sure the number to your avian vet is in your kit and if your bird has a leg band the ID# should be written down as well.


I’m sure we all remember the horrific images on TV and in the papers of animals left behind to weather the storm and we don’t want that for our pets. Following this basic disaster plan will make it so much easier to get everyone to safety.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/06/11 19:46

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Thanks Berna for a wonderful thread on being prepared for an emergency especially for those of you that live in Florida but disasters can happen anywhere and anytime and if we are prepared ahead of time then our beloved pets will be all the better for it. Karma coming your way.:) B)

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Thank Goodness we don't have any possibilities of disaster. There has never been a hurricane, earthquake, or anything here. I live on top of a hill, so even flooding isnt a problem here... the only thing that could potentially happen is fire... and even for that I have mains powered smoke alarms, fire blankets and extinguishers all over the house. (I'm not paranoid... honestly!)

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It's always better to be safe than sorry. Because I live in Florida being prepared for a storm is always on TV, but we all need to be ready no matter where you live. The house next door to you could go up in flames and you may only have a second to get out. Without a plan already in place it would be very difficult to get everything you need.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Berna! Thank you very much for the reminder - today first thing I saw this hurricane is heading right straight for Tallahassee on Wed. :blink: It's been a while since I've been in Florida bad weather, so I think today we'll get some pet supplies and I'm going to make "away" packs just in case we need to get out of here. You take care down there in your area - I saw it's going to hug the west coast of Florida before it gives us a smack down.

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I've been through some bad storms. Wilma and Charlie were the worst. From what the weather report was saying today it looks like it might hit almost right on in my neck of the woods on Tuesday...I'm in Lee County on the south side of the Caloosahatchee river.

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