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I need help feeding my very very fussy 5 yr old african grey.....Can anyone recomend a book please as i have looked at so many web sites and they all have different ammounts and feeding suggestiong so a book by an expert would help.....i am currently feeding him premium parrot food and i know the main part of thier diet is sunflower seeds but he pick them out and wont eat any of the other stuff which is most annoying have also been feedinf him small omount of high quality pellets for about 2 mnth now but he just seems to shove them to one side even though he only gets a little everyday....

Can anyone suggest a good book.........as i dont know what else to try as have had so many different opinions and varying diets that i think a book is the only way forward


thanks is anyone can help david

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Hi, I have a book called "A New Owners Guide To African Grey Parrots", by Nikki Moustaki that has a few recipes in it - one that my Bingo loves is called African Grey Bread

1 pkg Corn Muffin Mix- follow the directions on the pkg.

after the batter is mixed you add:

1/2 cup pellets

1/2 cup dried fruit

1/2 cup canned beans (any kind)

1/2 cup broccoli (I have to chop this real fine, as my grey isn't real fond of it) or you can use any other veggie.

2 TBS crushed cuttlebone

2 TBS chunky peanut butter

The recipe also says you can add anything else that you think your Grey might like. I cooked mine in a mini muffin pan and froze them and thaw one out every morning to go with whatever else he has for breakfast.


I also made African Grey Beans and Rice

1 can beans (any type) or cooked dried beans

1 cup brown rice

2 grated carrots

3 or 4 chopped jalapeno peppers

Freeze in ice cube trays and thaw a cube each day.


Both of these make enough to last two or three weeks. There are a few more recipes in this book - If you want all of them, let me know and I will post for you. Good Luck!

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I am at work right now but when I get homeI will log on and give you the information about a recipie book for parrots. I have used it and they all seem to work. I am told I am lucky because my BoBo eats pretty much anything I give him. But until then I would sugest removing the sunflower seeds or getting a mixed seed that does not have sunflower in it. I Feed BoBo Pretty bird African Grey Mix pellet, a general medium parrot seed mix ( minus the sunflower seeds) fresh peppers, strawberries, grapes, dried apricots, brocoli etc.. I use the sunflower seeds as treats or rewards for good behavior and I rotate what I feed him.


If you give your bird too many options at one time they will pick out what they like best and refuse or throw what they don't want on the floor. Since I feed BoBo twice a day I alternate seed the first part of the day and pellet the second. In the evening I offer some sort of veggie and I make sure to only put in about a half cup of food in the dish at a time. It has worked for me and I hope some of this helps. I will log back in when I get home here in about an hour and get you that book title.



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This thread should help you with getting some good literature:



You can also do a search for "books," there are tons of nice suggestions in the results.


You also may want to check out the "Bird Food" section on this forum. It is full of useful information and can help answer a lot of questions.


If you're concerned about what diet would be best and are not sure about the information in these forums (I find it very reliable and commensurate with published literature, as everyone here cares deeply for their birds) I would also recommend talking to an Avian vet.

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thanks for the advice that is a real help would love the name of the book and any other tips you have as alot of the time he is so frustrating to know what to do for the best but i love him and just want what is best for him and he has gone quiet and that does worry me as he never normally shuts up and its so funnny some of the things he comes out with

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You know I have cooked , tried pellets and you name it..My birds are picky also , so the latest best thing I have found , I purchased stainless steel skewers from Foster and Smith , and put chunks of veggies and fruit on them ,hang in the cage and put the dry stuff in the bowl .They love foraging the food off the skewers and are eating most of what is on it .I do allow my birds to have sunflower seeds , there is another post on the forum that has the nutritional value, and in moderation , they are not bad for birds .Also , Greys love apples .

Good luck ,


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Guest Skuffy

I have a fruit Pin..





Very safe ..The Heart screws off to add the Treats..;)<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/06/09 12:18

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Hi Skuffy , Great pic , and that is very much like mine. My birds love this .

Also I think you posted the great research about the nutritional value about sunflower seeds .If so , would you redirect everyone to which post that is located on .So they can read for themselves , they aren't bad , in moderation .Thanks , Mary

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Skuffy, I found the post on sunflower seeds, that you posted .If anyone is interested it is in the Feeding Forum titled

To Feed Seed Or Not To Feed Seed.Skuffy found this great info on sunflower seeds which might change your opinion about them.


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"he has gone quiet and that does worry me as he never normally shuts up" Has he stopped eating? If the only option right now is junk food or no food he has to eat something. If he hasn't stopped eating and/or his behaviour continues to be unusual I would suggest a fast vet visit. Greys hide health problems so well that by the time we notice a change they can be very sick. Please update the situation as soon as you can.

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Sorry I was not able to give you that boot title the other day. I threw my back out and am just now getting back up to speed.


Here is the title: The Healthy Bird Cookbook

Author: Robin Deutsch


Here is a link that talks about the book as well. It is not the home page but one that give you some information..




I hope it helps!


Here is a list of some other books I have read.


Barron's Guide to a Well-Behaved Parrot, Mattie Sue Athan


The Birdkeeper's guides " African Greys, Greg Glendell


The African Grey Parrot Handbook, Mattie Sue Athan and Dianalee Deter


Breaking Bad habbits in Parrots, Greg Glendell


The Parrot Problem Solver, Barbara Heidenreich


Parrots for Dummies, Nikki Moustaki


I enjoyed reading all of them even though some of them covered the same material, but all had info that another did not.



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