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Red Palm Oil


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Hi, just wondering how much Red Palm Oil I should put in Bingos food everyday - I think I read 1/4 tsp. somewhere, but just wanted to double check. Also, purchased some Aloe Juice for baths - do you use it full strength or dilute with water. I also have another question, Bingo has done remarkable since he has been home in just 3 weeks - he steps up fine, sits on my shoulder and bends down for a head scratch,grumbles when I try to take him down, and tonight started preening my hair. He does talk - says hello, come here, come on, whats up, and a few other things. So far though, he has not tried anything that I have tried to teach him. I read all the time other people saying their birds will repeat words after hearing it one time. I just can't get him to do anything that he wasn't already doing when I got him. Am I expecting to much to fast? Just wanted to say that all of you guys are so great on this forum - I go in just about every night and read all of the new posts, and have really learned alot. Thanks to all!!

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I put about 1/4 teaspoon of the red palm oil in some food every day and I use the aloe vera juice straight out of the container with no dilution.


Just be a little more patient, he will say what words and phrases he wants to say, yes they can only hear something one time and repeat it but only if they wanted to repeat it, give him more time and you will start hearing more and more words.:P

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""""""I read all the time other people saying their birds will repeat words after hearing it one time. """"""


That's a falsehood. If that happens it's totally by accident and also rare. Most greys take quite a long time to pick up on human talking be it a word or a string of words. A lot of repetition is needed and there's a certain way of doing that so that in the future your bird doesn't sound like a broken record. They will pick up on non talking sounds that are always around much quicker than human words.


""""Am I expecting to much to fast?""""


Basically, yes you are. You need to relax and let things happen naturally.


If your bird is in good feather, give 1/4 teaspoon 3x a week. Everyday isn't necessary.

"""'So far though, he has not tried anything that I have tried to teach him.""""


I don't know how long you've had him and you haven't said what you mean concerning what you've tried.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/06/06 04:26

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I have only had him for three weeks and he is 8 years old. Like I said, he is absolutely wonderful and so sweet, didn't think he would ever love to cuddle the way he does. I have tried different words and little tunes, (got my son to whistle, with high praise and a treat when he finished). Even if he never says anything different from what he already does, it would be just fine, but reading some of the other posts - I was just curious. I never expected him to be as loving as he is so soon in his new home, surrounded by new people.

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Well, it sounds like everything is great. Many people don't have that kind of luck. But, as far as the talking ---it's gonna take quite a while before he starts imitating words. Maybe months. Another thing is that you're bird might be saying certain things right now that he learned elsewhere. He has to get used to many things around your house such as surroundings, household habits, new people, your voices etc. That also takes time and none of these things happen in 3 weeks time even if you think it is. You need to learn about his personality which doesn't show itself in just 3 weeks. As far as what you've read on boards about talking-----There's at least 1000 members here and I guarantee you that at least 90% of them will tell you that it took quite a while before they ever heard their bird start to talk, and when the3y finally did hear it, it was totally unexpected.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/06/06 06:04

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I have a new Grey, been in our home for just about a month. His name is BoBo. BoBo is 5 months old. I too have read many books and post about talking and only point out what I believe to be true.


From what I have read and been told inflection plays a big role in gaining your birds attention. BoBo spoke his first word 2 days ago and has only said it once. He he said hello. When my family speaks to BoBo we do so in a way that is enthusistic and makes us laugh. We kind of sound like we have just polished off a full pot of coffee. The more excited and silly we act the more interested BoBo is in what we are doing and saying.


So if you are not already, be enthusiastic and have fun.

Another thing we have been trying is to stay out of view of BoBo and start off making the sounds he already makes, ( in your case words as well). After we get him to call back we have tossed in other words and sounds we would like him to learn.BoBo seems to want to know where we are all of the time and when we call out to him he responds almost every time. No not alot of progress but we have figured out what stimulates him verbaly and boy does it get noisy.


I hope this might help and I can understand how you might want to hear results in a short amount of time especially since you have an older bird than we do. Just have fun and I am sure pretty soon you will be posting asking how you get your bird to be quiet.





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Guest Skuffy

As ive said to many ppl,It takes so much time for your Grey to mimik you..A little trick i read was to talk to your partner lots and give lots of praises..Ok for instant I am teaching Max to say "JULIE Make a BREW"..I don't say this to my bird i say it to Julie,,who then answers me,,,I then shout to her C`mon Julie,C`mon..Max is looking at me all the time and wants the interaction himself....You have to get your Bird interested in what your saying and keep repeating it to your partner..max now shout C`mon Julie..c`mon..Mumbles the make a Brew Bit..Max is 9yr..Ive only had him 3mth..We Bonded right away,Hes now like my third Arm....lol...Why does a Grey make the sound of the phone..!,,because when it does ring you pay attention to it,,ie hello..Max Rings my phone if i leave the room..Then he answers it with a Nice Hello..Then a Beep as he puts it down...VIDS on YouTube..Search MAD MAX or SKUFFY39


Here ^^^<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/06/06 18:13

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