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Let's name this baby grey!


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It's time. Poor thing needs a name. I have a list of names that I like. I'd love some opinions and suggestions. I'm very picky about my names. They have to mean something related to the bird or they have to reference something cool or both if possible. Also, I do not know if it's a boy or girl.


Here is my list so far. It might be a bit long... sorry.


Gandalf- the Grey (I love Tolkien but this seems to be a bit common amongst African Greys)


Mithrandir_ Grey Wanderer


Mithland- Grey Havens


Mithril- Sparkling Grey


Greeley - Grey meadow or green meadow


Floyd - Grey Haired


Efron- Singing Bird


Altair –the flyer (brightest star in constellation Aquila.


Aquila – Eagle (constellation)


Gavin - White Falcon, little falcon


Rowan - little red one


Adler- Eagle. Man of keen perception.


Arnett – Little Eagle


Aderyn- a bird


Circe (KeerKay) – Latin form of Kirke meaning bird. Sorceress who changed Odysseus’s men into hogs.


Kirke (KearKay) Male form. Greek form of Circe.


Siren- half bird half woman.


Riordan- (Reer-dan) bard, minstrel


Bard- Minstrel, singer, poet


That's what I have so far. Clearly, some of them are male names but I like some male names for girls so...

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I'm a little partial to Greely... I like how it roles off the tongue...


But I still think that if you want to name him/her Gandalf, then you should- who cares how common it is :cheer:

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How about an african name. These are the only unisex names I could find with meanings

Amayomi-means brings Joy

Abdalla-means Gods servant

Abiona- born on a trip

Adeyemi- means Royalty

I don't know if you like that Idea but thought I'd suggest it



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Now Pchela, I think you mentioned you are in Texas, well how about a Texas name?

Cowboy, is a Texas name .Just kidding , LOL....however at one time I was going to purchase a baby Grey and I was going to name him CowBoy.It didnt work out with the breeder , she sold the one I wanted . So I backed out.

You will pick a wonderful name, when do you get the little one ?I am fond of Greeley


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I like Floyd and Rowan :)I actually realllly like Rowan - if I ever get another CAG I might just steal that name ;-)

It's so tricky to choose a name - and hard to please everyone!



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Feel free to steal my names! Rowan is great because of its meaning!


I already have the baby Mary. Have had him/her for about 2 weeks now.


Oh, for those in Texas who are looking for a baby CAG, the guy who sold me mine has one left. Mine was a good price.


So, I'm leaning toward Adler and Greeley... my husband really likes Floyd.

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No need to be sorry!


The breeder I got him from is Scott Bullard in Houston. I think they are brand new breeders as they only had the 3 babies. They were working out of their house and they had just bought some breeders from somebody who was going to stop breeding.


I can't find their card but I know that Peanut was in the title of their company name. Anyway, they charged $900 and my baby seems to be in great health and is a real sweetheart. (they did sell him/her unweaned though)

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I like the name Aquila, also Malaika, it is good you have made a list and the names mean something to you as well. Congrats on your baby, I have a 14 week old as well so think are similar age, they are so cute.:)

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Hi Pchela, No I was told he was fully weaned when I bought him but is not showing much interest in his fruit and veg at the moment but does not want hand feeding either. My other grey eats just about anything thats given to him so will keep you updated on my progress! Would be lovely to compare with them being the same age. You can always pm me to talk. Caroline:)

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Pchela wrote:

Thanks! I do like Gandalf a lot... but it's also definitely a boy name. With my luck, I'd end up with a little girl named Gandalf the Grey.


Greeley could be a boys or girls name... hmmm...


I wish I had known Harrison's gender before I named her. It sucks having to explain why she has a male name EVERY single time I mention her to a new person. I really didn't think it was going to be a big deal, but it really kinda is. People who already know her think it's funny and/or think it's an appropriate name for her personality. The vet thought it was "perfect" for her. Whatever:S If I were you, I'd get your birdy DNA tested or go with a gender-neutral name.

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thanks Heather! I actually considered Harrison as a name btw... so you have excellent taste! Mine would have been for Harrison Ford of course.


Caroline, I'll keep you updated! And feel free to pm me as well. I do wonder if I am spoiling my bird... I hand feed him whenever he begs.

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Melisa, whatever name you pick for your baby will be fine and I am not going to pick my favorite as this is your decision to make and whether you have him/her DNA tested before you name it.;)


Heather, Harrison having a boy's name is cute in my book and I wouldn't explain it to everyone who asks about why you named her that, just say thats her name and you're sticking with it.B)

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Well, I keep adding to the list instead of narrowing down! Maybe the perfect name will just pop out at me. I like Phoenix as well (and it means red), but it seems too common. The perfect name with the perfect meaning is so difficult to find... *sigh* Did I have this hard a time naming my daughter? I can't remember.

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Hmm.. I guess this thread isn't exactly a vote but I would welcome votes on these names. I'm debating adding Phoenix as well and feel free to add any! Of course, widening the name list is making it harder, not easier... here are some others that aren't on the top list.


Graydon-son of grey haired one/Gavin

Grayson- Son of grey haired man

Floyd - Grey Haired

Ferrand- Grey Haired

Blanford- Grey Mans Ford

Dorian (Picture of Dorian Grey)

Griswold- Grey Woods<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2008/06/05 04:36

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I also suggest Grady. I have some friends whose Grey is named Grady and I love it . Someone once said they can say their name better if it ends with an e sound . Does anyone have a comment on that ?YOU can also do a toenail DNA FOR ABOUT $20.00 , then you would know the sex.

I like Greyson also .


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Greyson is definitely a nice sounding/looking name in your list (I know Gandalf is a bit common but Gand is just so wizardly in his gaze and attitude that it works for him...plus I can't help my nerdness). In the end you want it to be one that's easy and comfortable for *you* to say since the more you say it, the more they'll understand it.


Betty, I have noticed that Gand loves vowel sounds, probably because consonants are harder to vocalize for them. So anything with 'oo' or 'ee' in it is easier for him to pick up. That being said, they can make most any sound if they end up being a talky type and even if they don't say their own name, they way you say it will develop meaning for them (so don't worry too much about them being able to reproduce it).


Post edited by: GandalfTheGrey, at: 2008/06/05 06:28<br><br>Post edited by: GandalfTheGrey, at: 2008/06/05 06:30

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