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RIP Angel


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My beloved cat Angel passed away last week late in the evening. She went in her sleep of old age, she was 19. We got her when I was 4 so I don't really remember not having her around. I knew it was coming...she was turning up all over the place in new sleeping spots, like she was trying to find the perfect spot. I know she is with Buddy now, and I'll be with them again.

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Awwwww....I'm so sorry. I love cats, and I know your heart is breaking right now. But she's in a happy place waiting and watching over you. One day, I believe you will once again be with her. My condolences. :(

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We send our condolences . . . we have lost two beloved pets in the last 7 months, Bebe our Italian Greyhound and then Alfie, our Congo Grey . . . so sad . . .we now have Kiko, our new baby Congo(!) and are nuts about him!

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Berna I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your cat Angel, may she rest in peace and your heart be lifted from the grief very soon and I know all too well how you feel.


I lost my beloved cat Smokey last month, she was 18 years old and it isn't easy to let them go but it was for the best as she is no longer suffering.

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Thank you all so much, it means a lot. I'm taking her tomorrow to have a private cremation. My dad will be selling the house in a few years and I can't bare the thought of leaving her behind. It's going to be so hard to hand her off, I still can't believe she is gone and although it sounds SO stupid I still feel like she is going to wake up and be fine. It's going to really sink in that she is really gone. I have lost a few animals before...one I was too young to really know what was going on, and my dog buddy was put don't at the vet due to Cancer. I was still really upset, but I think finding Angel really made things hit me harder.

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