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Freeflight: DO NOT FALL for the guilt trip


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This is the latest version of the Birdtricks "animal rights" press release, from PRWeb.com. This was released after the incident with Tui:


Thousands Inflict Animal Cruelty On Their Parrot


Birdtricks.com shows how the common practice of clipping a pet parrot's wings causes severe emotional damage to pet birds, and how a new method of raising pet birds allows pet bird owners a way to let their birds fly freely outside, but still come back when you call them. This gives them all the exercise nature intended them to have, and provides dramatic amounts of emotional stimulus.


Birdtricks.com has shown clipping causes severe emotional damage?? (Their new research division?) Guilt-tripping people into trying to freefly their bird, especially using the unweaned baby bird method, in my opinion borders on a disgusting disregard of ethics.



Also, this part of their press release explicitly states that the Cressi videos Andrew watched are intended to teach people how to freefly their bird, contrary to claims that they are just posted to show what they have done:



In an effort to teach parrot owners how to use positive reinforcement to train their birds for lasting results and an end to bad behaviors like screeching, biting, and feather plucking, Birdtricks.com has documented a case study of how they used positive reinforcement to train their Congo African Grey to safely fly outside, including videos and pictures of the entire process.



This all just makes me sick. I am all for keeping birds flighted, but it is unethical in the extreme to advocate outdoor flight for everyone on the grounds that not doing so is animal cruelty. Pushing people to do this whose birds are not ready for it, or who may not be up for it themselves, will result in losses -- THAT is animal cruelty. I wrote a bit on my blog about freeflying as enrichment( http://likambo.com/flyblog/?p=36 ) I think word needs to get out there -- wherever these so-called press releases appear -- that freeflight is NOT the way for the vast majority of people to do this.



raz<br><br>Post edited by: carlylu, at: 2008/05/28 18:32

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I am getting really sick of BirdTricks and their propaganda machine.


They just started "Free-Flying" their Grey a few months ago and now they are experts? The idiot almost lost his Grey on the 3rd outing to gusty winds.


It amazes me how they have become the "Experts" on everything in just a few years. I must say they have been brilliant in using the web to promulgate their website and now have "Banners" and "Links" on almost every Parrot related website out there.


Thanks for posting this. Hopefully it will be made a permanent "posty" here.


Makes one want to revert to the old ways from a previous lifestyle in getting people like that off the air.

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lovemyGreys wrote:

It takes many years to gain the knowledge they claim they have !


A professional trainer and educator I know, who has worked for zoos for almost 20 years, says that their claim to have been educated by "zoos around the world" is utter b.s. No one in the zoo world has even heard of them.


I have been training Carly for almost 2 years, and flying her outside for over a year. I am so proud of how well she does, even when she has to think fast "on the wing". But I would never put myself out there as an expert. I learn from experts, and I have documented how I did Carly's training -- including the sources of training information and advice I used -- but training one bird, even if done well, is a long way from broad experience. That's why I keep posting my list of training resources -- so people know there is REAL information out there, by seasoned pros and scientists. And it doesn't come with an advertisement saying "Easy Training Secrets!!"




Post edited by: carlylu, at: 2008/05/28 01:01<br><br>Post edited by: carlylu, at: 2008/05/28 01:03

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I agree I've had it with this bird tricks .com guy myself I keep trying to block his emails and some how he keeps getting in there You would think he would get the message after awhile that I'm not going to buy his garbage so stop sending me emails that I delete constantly without even opening i have no desire to see what he has to say Pat

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Anyone who try to make you think that you can

safely fly your parrot outside if you buy and watch a video they made is lying through their teeth.


So much depends on the temperament of the parrot, the temperament of the caregiver and the environment that they evolved together with.


Make me feel sick to my stomach.

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I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about all the birds that may be lost during free flight by all those people who buy into his idea that anyone can safely take their bird out after watching his video and using his so called "advice":sick: :angry:

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That makes me sick to my stomach. He is putting countless numbers of parrots and owners at risk to buy a bigger ring and a trip around the world?????????? Are you kidding me????? I think that testimonial/article needs to be sent to every site we run across that has his ad on their site. I for one will no longer buy from any site that runs his ads. These are living beings, not some new problem solving 10 cents of plastic for 29.95 gadget!

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Yes, Chet is all about money and has learned to put a very effective marketing campaign together with the sole purpose of making money.


He does not care if you, I or anyone else loses our bird or possibly do something following his incorrect methods that may result in the death of it.


He is no Parrot expert and certainly is not doing anything out of the kindness of his heart or concern for any breed of Parrot.


Unfortunately, the way the web works, if I for example placed a banner of this website for a product, say tide soap. I could get upto 1.00 for each "Click through" off that banner. When you consider how many millions of people surf and click on things that interest them each hour of everyday. That equates to thousands of dollars per hour just from people clicking through a banner on your website. It is the "Cut" for allowing that space on the webpage for advertising.


So we will never see those banner come off all those supposed "Caring Parrot" websites, unless of their consciousness of what they are evangelizing for money is harming Parrots and they take a stand for the Birds, rather than for the money.


They only way any true caring bird owner can fight that, is to tell everyone they know to Boycott every website the places a banner or link to "BirdTricks" and take the websites traffic down to a halt.

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