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Free-flighted Carly -- photos


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Doesn't she look like she is enjoying herself so much, you have a wonderful relationship with Carly but it does make me feel a little uneasy seeing her flighted like that and not on a leash, but then you know what you are doing and I don't.


Thanks so much Raz for sharing these pictures with us, she looks really nice out there.B)

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What a wonderful site you have CarlyLu!!


Great photos, information and "How To's". There is quite a bit of free flight training articles. Good reading and if not for free flight outdoors, it is great stuff to training indoors and recalling. :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...
wow your really brave letting her fly outside without a harness


It is nothing to do with bravery, believe me. If I had any fears that she would fly away I would not do this at all. It's all about lots and lots of training, preparation, and practice. If it was a matter of bravely facing fears of a flyoff, that would be a sure sign that the training is not in place as good as it should be. And it's not a casual type of training either -- it's borderline obsession! That's why I would never recommend it for everyone.


This is from Sid Price's training blog:

...Free flying a bird is a huge responsibility. It requires a dedication of time, certainly in the early training, that I believe few companion parrot owners have if they are being honest with themselves. It is certainly not something that anyone should undertake lightly and without a solid understanding of the behavioral principles involved in the required training.



But even with an outdoor flighted bird, you know what my biggest fear with her is? That she will suddenly fall ill like so many captive birds do.


I just don't want anyone to think it's about bravery -- then someone will come along who IS brave (and/or foolish), decide to try it without the proper training, and be at huge risk of losing a bird.<br><br>Post edited by: carlylu, at: 2008/06/16 20:33

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