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The Peace Thread

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In these days of toil and trouble the World over and with the daily headlines scarier than the last, it is at times difficult to find true moments of inner peace, to be able to go to that place inside yourself where the World is whole in your heart, mind and soul and come away replenished and able to face the demons once more.

You needn’t post “deep” or long things here, a simple sign will do, just a token that you too long for days of Peace, a daily reminder that there are great things to strive towards, things that will make our grandchildren and great-grandchildren proud when we are long gone.

A legacy left them if you will, a legacy of Peace: I share with you –


The Peace Thread




Post edited by: Graehstone, at: 2008/05/26 19:42<br><br>Post edited by: Graehstone, at: 2008/05/26 19:43

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Great thought and Sign Graehstone. ;-)


I hope we can leave not only a peaceful World to our next generations, but also a healthy one environmentally.


Words of wisdom and hope are great and powerful, but words need to be followed by actions.


To secure the future for our next generations, we need to start many critical processes now and have our children attend the necessary schooling to become the next generation of Chemists, Scientists, Mechanical and Electronic Engineers to ensure we can technology to the level needed.


This is the only path to stop the reliance upon Fossil Fuel for our Cars, Jets, Mass transit, Electrical Power and the needs of our homes and businesses to operate.


The old school and investors in Oil, Coal etcetera need to be shut down and brought down to non-controlling positions of our future critical path. This can only be done using science, chemistry and engineering combined to make the use of Hydrogen, Solar and yet unknown sources a reality.


The Earth itself is in upheaval and will not last much longer without "Cleansing" itself of the invading pests (us. Unless we turn our abuse of Mother Earth around and quickly.


If people think times and wars are bad now, just wait until Billions have no fuel for their cars, food on the table and the resulting loss of jobs. People become very ugly in the face of desperation, even the mild mannered.

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Dzjeeezzz - I am impressed with these quotes :)


The truth is I have given up on the idea that peace will ever prevail. The differences in perspectives plus the right to have a different perspective has led me to believe peace at root is a failure.


Sounds pessimistic, but perhaps exactly this will create -at least- more understanding.

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FairY, I did too sometime ago, but now with my kids I have a reason to believe that a lot of things going around the world we can avoid!

As simple things that my boys used to do, not eating this or that, living toys or something that we work haed to give it to them, once I took them back to my birth land, and they saw the poverty there they start to realize that they had good comparing to other kids! Now in days they get citizenship at school for Caring, Friendship, Volunteer work, not because I said so they feel that's the right thing!

I don't think Marty St Louis or Vinny Lecavalier ( I used this 2 cause my kids goes to their hockey camps, they play for TB Lightning NHL team)being my kids idols wil make a difference , us parents should do our jobs in stering the little ones in the right way and not live up to the athletes or actors to make peace, I believe PEACE start at home!;)

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DigitalFeather wrote:

FairY, I did too sometime ago, but now with my kids I have a reason to believe that a lot of things going around the world we can avoid!

As simple things that my boys used to do, not eating this or that, living toys or something that we work haed to give it to them, once I took them back to my birth land, and they saw the poverty there they start to realize that they had good comparing to other kids! Now in days they get citizenship at school for Caring, Friendship, Volunteer work, not because I said so they feel that's the right thing!

I don't think Marty St Louis or Vinny Lecavalier ( I used this 2 cause my kids goes to their hockey camps, they play for TB Lightning NHL team)being my kids idols wil make a difference , us parents should do our jobs in stering the little ones in the right way and not live up to the athletes or actors to make peace, I believe PEACE start at home!;)



DigitalFeather, I love your line of thinking. But knowing there are vast parts in this world that think and perceive things differently has brought me to my conclusion. "The" world and its principles doesn't look the same from one side of it to the other.


There will always be conflict. It is the nature, it is ying and yang. It is the balance and it is necessary. At least, that is what I think after starting out with the best intentions, totally unselfish - and still bumping into major confrontation.

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Dan, I think it is not only matter to teach your children to be a better human being. I have experience with that. You should also teach them to stand up against evil and not have compassion with it. To be "better" is great and of terrible internal value, but if being 'good' means being beaten up and lose in the end, 'good' didn't perform as well as being 'aware' ;)

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