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I was Attacked!

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Here's this cool little spider dude that I ah ... met, when we were still living in the apartment. Hope you like it.;)


I was Attacked!

The wife is at work and I was doing the dishes as the last of the chores for the day with the birds all on their respective playgrounds being good when something caught my eye outside the window on the railing.

I paused mid swish while still holding the frying pan that still needed cleaning and squinted my eyes a little more to get a better look at what was crawling its way along the side of the railing then on top of the railing and then the bottom of the railing and … so I dropped my pan which promptly fell into the sink with all the icky dish water still in it making a big splash sending it all over my new t-shirt that I had put on clean this morning.

Ignoring all that and trying not to break my neck on the now slippery floor as I rushed to get my camera I hurried out the door in the hopes I could get a good shot of the little interloper that had caused such a stir in my household by simply flabbergasting me with his presence right outside my kitchen window.

I had seen this particular critter here before but was never fast enough, or fleet of foot for that matter, to get any good pictures. But this time, ahhh yes this time, this time I got the little sucker … and he almost got me back too, putting a serious dent in my perceived manliness and drastic lowering of testosterone as the fear response kicked in flooding my system with adrenaline and making me (almost) scream like a little girl.

I didn’t of course (honestly) I just … just … tripped, yes that’s it I tripped just at that moment.

Well anyhow here are some of the pictures of my visitor from outside my kitchen window.


And here is his flashy tushy:


So I have been trying to get a good picture of this fellow forever and now that I had him "cornered" so to speak I was going to take full advantage of the situation and take some close ups ... Big mistake.

Ok so here we go, Macro on ... all the right settings set to where they are suppossed to sit ... punchbowl full ... dance ticket... wait ... that's something else... Ok, anyhow ...


See now that's not so bad ... just a tad closer and ...


Getting a little interested in the goings on on the railing and wanting to check it out ...


"Ok Buddy, too close, too close" I hear him think at me in a raspy little voice as those hairy little legs start to reach for me and I see fangs dripping with venom ready to tear my jugular right out and jump rope with it ...


When right out of nowhere I hear that Tarzan yell in my head and the little bugger launches himself at me ... causing me to trip of course, because I wanted to get closer and there was this crack in the concrete ... anyhow.


After regaining my composure a bit (and picking up the camera again) I looked to see where he might have landed so as not to step on him when there he was, right where I had left him staring me right in the eyes as if to say "I warned you buddy!"


I would have loved to stay and play some more but ... ah ... um, I still had the frying pan to clean. Sigh, a househusbands work is never done.


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I tell ya, "I Was Attacked" by the compulsion to finish reading anything you write, Graehstone, what a wonderful story about a little ole spider.


I have been told that we are in for a treat from your writings and this is one ride I don't want to miss;)


Thanks again:)

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judygram wrote:

I have been told that we are in for a treat from your writings and this is one ride I don't want to miss;)


Thanks again:)


Who have you been talking to? What have they been saying? It's not true, they're all lies, LIES I tell you (er, 'cept that time in Paris, that actua... )

:S {glad you like them.;) }<br><br>Post edited by: Graehstone, at: 2008/05/22 02:30

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Sorry for the late response there, still getting used to finding the latest posts and am missing some in the process. Actually I am not afraid of spiders (honest), it was just that I didn't see him anymore and didn't want to squish the little bugger.

;) that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

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