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Goldfish Photo


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I never had much use for a fish tank, I just never cared that much about them, but my mother-in-law used to have a big aquarium with huge goldfish in them before she passed away. Just something else to have to clean out so I never bothered with one, but I do enjoy seeing other's tanks.

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I have a small 75 gallon w/koi. It's ok to clean.Like Tari said good filter system and water changes.It's just trying to find the time to do water changes. At least use to be.Now no one does it so I know Im in trouble soon.

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"after 2 years"?? Ohmy.... so I have still 23 months to go before I can reach anything near the fabulous result your photo has :(


Btw I think you might be wrong, Tari, at least when I look at the photos on THIS (click please) page I don't think they are all that large :unsure:

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