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Question about new TAG


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Hi Everyone,

We have had Homer home for about a week now. He is such an awesome bird. He is very friendly and has been adjusting very well. My question is that for the past day he is squeaking almost non stop. He spends a great deal of time out of his cage with us.


That being said we did buy our chihuahua a new dog toy to help her to adjust to the new pet which his squeak does sound very much like.


I have never owned a bird before and just wanted to make sure that I am not missing anything. He was at the vet on Thursday and received a clean bill of health. He is eating fine and drinking as normal.

I don't mean to be a worry wort but would hate to miss anything. I can take a video if it would be helpful.


Thanks in advance for your help.



p.s. Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there. IMG_6459.jpg


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Homersmom wrote:

That being said we did buy our chihuahua a new dog toy to help her to adjust to the new pet which his squeak does sound very much like.


That right there answers your question, yes they do a super job mimicing sounds they hear and Homer has taken a liking to the squeaky dog toy. If it is annoying you then find something else for the dog to play with and he will soon find another sound to mimic.


You have nothing to worry about, Homer is fine and he is just doing what he does best, they will surprise you with what they can mimic and you will be hard pressed to tell if it is the real thing or Homer, enjoy!!!:laugh:

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Thanks for your replies. I am such a nervous new mom. One other thing... he seems to make way more noise when I am home. I ran to the store and my husband and children said he was practically silent. I came home and he started right up.:)

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Nervous is normal and so are all the questions you will have as time progresses.


They make contact calls and if happy, they will just make every sound they know. :-)


Nice photo of your new baby. Looking forward to seeing more!!

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