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And the sound/phrase of the day is. . .


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Debbie... it was very funny the first 5 or even 10 times, but now it is getting quite annoying especially since it is usually when I am in the middle of Desperate Housewives or something... Thank God for skyplus.... i can rewind it :)


Usually they talk at the same time... well Oisin doesnt really talk much yet. He isnt even 1. He can say Hello Buddy, Hello Liath, How are ya and lots of different noises. Liath doesnt usually let him have a word in anyway. But he can laugh at the appropriate times and say Huh? so it sounds like conversations!;)

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I had an amazon that while we were living in New York, started saying... "zippp.... bye". We realized he was making the sound of our jackets being zipped up as we left saying bye to him. He also perfected every squeak of the floor boards and door's opening just exactly as we started to walk or open the door. He would also yell, "What?" when I called down the stairs to the kids.

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Dixie's got her constant chatter, but Sterling has been on a Hello kick for the day....hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,and then hello.



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Adaya is 5 months old and has just learned the beep beep of the microwave and the clucking noise that you make with your toungue on the roof of your mouth so I hear a constant beep beep beep cluck cluck cluck Its just a little annoying after the first 1000 times

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LOL!! Well, we all wanted intelligent talking birds didn't we? :P


I find around here that those never ending verbal loops of the same phrase or word depends on whats happening or just happened as in Acappella's case.


I vacuumed the bird area yesterday and all I heard from the time I brought it out was "Vacuum, lets Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum, vacuum, lets vacuum Yeah!" over and over until I did something to get that damn broken record out of his brain.... I asked, you wanna take a Both? he shut right up for a while. :evil:


Perhaps it's not so wise after all to describe every action your doing. :S :lol:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/12 15:01

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