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Parrots are worse than dogs!


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In regards to food stealing I think parrots are worse than dogs. I was eating a big mac the other day and everytime I leaned into take a bite chloe would start eating my big mac the same time as me. Ok I'll give her that one on animal instinct. The other night I made dinner and put it on the kitchen counter. Then the phone rang. Somehow she flew from her perch half way to the counter then did a spiderman manuever up my chair onto the counter and when I came back in she was eating my corn and some of my potato's and knocked over the tobassco sauce and my plate looked like a murder scene!


Obviously the fix is put her away during dinner time, but I was just wondering if anyone else's parrot out there was a food burglar? And if so, to the extent that they will fly, crawl up stuff, or manuever around an entire room just to eat what you have.

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Spence you can let her have a lot of what you are having for dinner, just remember the things they aren't supposed to have, Josey eats off my plate too. In fact tonight I had some baked chicken and when I finished with the thigh bone I gave it to her and she devoured it, took it apart to get to the marrow inside.:P


She wants whatever you are eating so share it with her and if you are eating something that is a no no for her do it where she can't see you eating it.:laugh:

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Guest Rheashard0919

:woohoo: Wait till your gray flirts with all stops pulled out with a gorgeous total stranger at a convenience store for the pkg of peanut butter cheese crackers she is holding. As you try to figure out where, when, and how appropriately he is using all the right moves with only a beak and tail feathers :ohmy: The woman was dressed to the nines with a jealous looking male companion. I let her give him the crackers. I bought more. But a gray will steal your meal. I share mine from time to time. I especially do so when wanting to introduce something new. It is fun to sit and share a bowl of popcorn and watch TV together. But.....TEACH YOUR GRAY THE MEANING OF HOT! Take warm to the touch food and blow on it and stress hot. Eat it cautiously. Let your gray see this. Encourage your grey to touch it beak first. This is a way to avoid burned crops. With an aggressive thief. I had my first gray trained. And my second is also. Caution to foods served hot helps. My gray is the first to try and grab the fried crab rangoons, french fries, grab a beak full of the fried rice, noodles or what ever I cook if I am not looking. I tried teaching my gray to have a separate bowl, human bacteria and such. Well paranoia or what ever set in. If it was separate it wasn't any good or I had to eat it first. Which defeated the purpose.

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You got that one right Knight!!


The big difference between Dogs and Greys, is that Dogs respect the hierarchy of the pack, I eat, me wife eats, they sit and "hope" we may have a scrap left for them. Greys on the other hand are a Flock driven creature that once a food source appears, they all swoop down and enjoy a "free for all" eating frenzy even nibbling the other end of what is in the others beak.


If I keep mine from Dayo, he will tongue tickle my ear until I can't stand it and involuntarily twist my head that way due to the tickles, then quick as a gun shot, he tries to grab at what ever may be between my lips.....VERY SMAART!!! :woohoo:


So, they see as as just another flock member eating and it's MEALTIME!!! :-)

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Yep, Klaus has no sense whatsoever of what's Mommy's food and what's his food.

Mealtime is a free for all for sure...just have to watch I'm not having something he can't have!

He's funny, too - for some reason when I'm eating salad he likes to take pieces of lettuce out of the bowl and place them in random positions around the table. I have no idea why!

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Guest Skuffy

Max had Beef Curry and Rice for his T...made a baked Spud scooped all the tata out then filled it with curry and rice,,,he savaged it...:woohoo: He sits nxt to me with his own plate but will still come and steal some of mine to make sure we got the same..:woohoo:

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