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Heres (hopefully if it works) a pic of my baby, corkey. Shes just so adorable, slightly vain (loves having her pic taken :))

5 years old, and shes just spent all night on my leg watching me play games and watching tv with me snuggled up...


corkey_small.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: jj_qpr11, at: 2008/04/25 01:14


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hey thanks :) i'll pass on your compliments ;)

One thing that I have noticed, from looking through the members pics here, is corkey seems to be the only one with rough looking feathers :( she unfortunately was like it when I got her a couple of months ago, but I am pretty sure she isnt plucking much, if at all any more, so I wonder will she ever turn back into a smooth looking birdy like most others here? I dont mind I love her regardless of course :) , but I just wonder if its normal and possible she will go back to being fully-feathered?

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Maybe she is going thru a molt, they look a little rough then but what kind of diet was she on before you got her? If it was lacking in the proper nutrition that could account for the feathers looking that way.


Do you give her any red palm oil, if not get some and add about 1/4 teaspoon to some food every day, it helps the feathers too.

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Hey Judy, she was fed purely on "Pretty bird species specific", which i guess are sort of pellets, which she loves and i have managed to find a place that sells that. I have also introduced her to monkey nuts, sunflower seeds, and grapes, all of which are more treats than anything, she goes mad for them, same with yoghurt which i often give her a small amount of again as a treat.

I hadn't heard of red palm oil until just now when I read of it in another post. thanks for the suggestion, i will have to try and find some, is it something they sell in normal health supplement shops or something?

Its ok to mix it with these dry pellets or seeds is it? Just seems they might go soggy/greasy from it, but I guess if she likes the taste she wont mind.

Shes alseep now but tomorrow I will try and get some full body photos so you can see what I mean. she seems perfectly happy and active so im not unduly worried, just think it'd be nice for her to look "as pretty as she feels" :)

Thanks again



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James I don't know where you are from but if it is the US then here is a link of where you can purchase the oil




I personally mix it in Joesy's oatmeal I fix for her for breakfast and I also mix in a little baby food veggies like squash, sweet potatoes or carrots and she eats it from a spoon.

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thanks, I will pop into H&B today :) hopefully it will help her get back to her full glory. And she IS every bit as sweet as she looks, I am so happy to have her in my life, she hasnt nipped me once yet, wish she was the same with strangers though!

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Great photos of Corky jj!!


It looks like some Red Palm Oil along with regular mistings with 100% Aloe Juice might benefit Corky in the sense of getting the skin in a more supple form and relieve some irritation that may be causing the over preening. :-)

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hi thanks for the replies, i have heard about misting before, even with just water is meant to be a good thing, but i wonder if corkey will like it. i suspect not so i am hesitant to try it.


Do they like being misted in general? Shes never had a shower or anything since i've had her as she seemed quite scared of water?

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Hi James- I love the pictures of Corkey. What a little beauty. Even if she doesn't like it, misting her with a plant mister is good for her feathers. Mine like it most of the time, sometimes more than others. Try to do it at least a few times a week. You can also mist her with Aloe Vera juice (100%) as Dan suggested. There is every reason to hope that her feathers will grow back normally especially if she has stopped picking at them now. Perhaps she is happier with her life now that she has found you!

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They are great pics of Corkey. Charlie hates to be misted but for his own good I make sure I do this a few times a week. Try to get one of the fine misters which wont be to harsh. I also put a dish of water in the bottom of his cage to bathe. You never know she might like it. Good luck.:)

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