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I'm making progress, Obi let me pet her head


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It has been three weeks now since Obi has been with us. I'm so excited because this morning when I took her out of her cage, I talked with her very softly and reassuringly that she is safe with me. Well, I asked if I could pet her head and very gently was able to pet her head and neck for several strokes.


It's funny how small things like this can make you happier than all get out - lol - my husband works in an office in our lower level and I couldn't wait to tell him that she finally let me pet her head - YAY!


Just one more thing to brag about - lol - again, I'm new at this, and very proud at how well Obi has done thus far. Obi will step up on command every single time now. When she's on the top of her cage, she used to run to the other side (where I couldn't reach) so I used the empty paper towel cardboard to prevent her from running over and would get her to step-up that way instead of chasing her. Well now, I hold one hand up and use the other hand to give the step-up command, and it works like a charm every single time. No more chasing or paper towel cardboard - lol - When she sees my hand raise, she knows it's time to step-up and go back into her cage! WOO HOO!


I can't wait as each new step and new command is learned. I'm really looking forward to being able to train Obi and have lots and lots of fun with her. She's a wonderful addition to our family!


Sorry for the lengthy post, but I'm so excited! Woo Hoo! {Feel-good-0002006E}

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hey thats brilliant :) I know how you feel, its a great feeling when your birdy does something you want them to :)

Corkey is so lovely and tame, but when shes on top of her cage shes not always happy about stepping up and like Obi runs to the other side of the cage. weird as corkey will sit with me for hours letting me stroke her and play with her, guess she just doesnt like having to go back in the cage! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: jj_qpr11, at: 2008/04/25 01:49

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I wish Obi liked being touched, but she doesn't seem to want to be bothered. I got really excited, but I haven't had any luck since the day I posted about her letting me pet her head. I keep trying in small doses, trying to be very patient with her still.

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I know how you feel; like Obi, Jenna is not much of one for cuddling. But she let me pet her head this morning after our shower ~grins~ I was playing peek a boo with her with a towel and when she poked her head out she let me pet it! Funny how something that little feels like such a huge thing, isn't it? ~chuckles~

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