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Male vs Female


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Hello my name is Javier. I dont yet own a grey but, i am planning on it. I dont know which to get a male or a female. I live with my family. I will spend the most time with it though. I think i am geting a timneh because i have heard that they make better family pets. Are there advantages or disadvantages of either sex? thanks in advance

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Hi Javier, I asked the breeder this same question and I myself own a Timneh. She will be a year old on May 10th. The breeder told me that she did not believe the sayings on a male will bond to a woman and vice versa, if socialized at a young age. But that is the key. They have to be given to everyone. Now like SweetHeart she has her favorite, which is me. She will go to anyone and everyone though. Even a person she see's for the first time. So I am very proud of that. And in a way, my case proves that a Female can bond to another female human because she is DNA'd and like I said she is bonded with me more than anyone else. Hope this helps!

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I agree with what Ronda has said,i believe it's a myth that males bond to female humans & vice versa.i have two boys & two girls & they are equally attached to all the family.The key is socialization from a young age.There really is no difference between a male or female,just personal choice.

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  • 2 months later...

Well I have to say that the myth holds true here. At first my bird "female" was very close to me. When she got older she definately got nasty with me for no apparent reason. Although I remained her caregiver, she would bite me at times and even chase me down to bite me if she were out of her cage. When it came to any man around my house she was gentle as a lamb and all lovey dovey. She has made it clear I can't trust her over the years so I only handle her with perches. My boyfriend has no trouble handling her. I am almost ready to try to trust her again because I have seen no violent snip attempts at me in a very long time, maybe she was going through puberty or something. She is now 15 years old and I weaned her from a chick. Anyhow I know she loves men lol!!

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Well some do prefer one sex over another and that is evident in your grey, Kimber66 but it is not the norm but maybe she was going thru a hormonal phase. You should try to see if she will be more receptive of you now.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey.:)

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I don't think there is any connection in Male Grey's liking women better or any such thing like that. My grey does prefer women, but that's because the previous household he came from had a rather abusive/intrusive man around. As far as talking abilities I have heard they are both the same, males and females can make great talkers, one is not noticeably more intelligent than another.


Hope this helps!

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Guest briansmum

i am torn really, because i've heard so many great examples of the male to female and vise versa bond being untrue... however it holds strong in my house. brian is dna'd male and i am his number 1 favourite through and through, he would sooner bite my partner steve than get a tickle from him. brian takes an interest in any female visitors to the house but gets very loud and boysterous around strange males.


i would ask the breeder you decide to get your grey from, because it does really depend on the bird.. and given that the breeder will have the most experience with their birds and your bird will have the same genes... well.. it's a long shot :P

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I have a male and he's mine but he bonds better with my boyfriend.He does bond with me when the boyfriend isnt around but when he is my name is mud....lol..I am the only one who feeds him, gives him treats and kisses him.All the boyfriend does is hold him and plays his Xbox and Playstations and Alcazar watches from his shoulder. Maybe cause its a guys hang thing who knows.

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