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Just found out the sexing of our CAG


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Obi is a girl. LOL We thought for sure he was a boy. LOL We're excited either way. From what I've read, not really much difference in male or female by way of intelligence or ability to talk. Just wanted to let you all know our great news! Have a wonderful weekend! {Feel-good-00020069}

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Thanks Judygram! LOL I'm really excited! She's a good little bird, very quiet still. I went down the bird farm near our home the other evening, and they had a CAG around the same age as Obi, but much smaller. It was fun seeing another CAG now that we own our own. I'm so happy, guess you could say I'm a proud parront! LOL Bye for now and thanks for the congrats. ;)

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Lovelylew wrote:

Obi is a girl. From what I've read, not really much difference in male or female by way of intelligence or ability to talk. {Feel-good-00020069}


We all KNOW Females talk tons MORE than Males - ;-) LOL


Congratulations Lovelylew

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LOL - you're right about that, Dan! Being a female, God certainly gave me the gift to gab for sure! LOL


My tiels are males and much more verbal than the female I had who only seemed to squawk from time-to-time; she's in bird heaven now, so I have two males.


I hope Obi chatters up a storm because we can't wait.


Thanks again for the congrats! Proud mamma here - lol

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Regarding the talking, well just look at the number of posts counter for different users and that "says" a lot!! Ha ha :P


In greys there really is not much difference. Comes down to the birds own personality. Ours if female and talks up a storm. Some bird species there is a difference. For example male budgies are almost always more vocal than females.

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