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Jacuzzi ok or no-go?


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I usually take chloe with me and my roomie down to the jacuzzi and perch her on the beach chair things. She likes the steam and was freaked out the first time by being outside (predators etc) but now she seems ok with it. Obviously chlorine is bad for her to drink but if some droplets got splashed on her or vapors from the jacuzzi itself is that bad like life threatening toxic type bad?

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I would probably stay away from that with the bird. If the jacuzzi area is enclosed (eg indoors, under roof etc) where the cholorine vapors could be concentrated I would definitely not bring a bird into that environment. If its outdoors probably not as big a concern. However, the truth is it could be fine most of the time but if the spa was recently supercholorinated the vapors may be too concentrated for the bird to handle. I say keep your bird away.

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