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Hello from Monster

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Hello Johnny and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Monster, now that is one of the most unusual names I have heard for a grey.:huh:


I am curious as to how you came to name him Monster, he certainly can't be like a little monster, he must be sweet as sugar and not at all spoiled is he!!!


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have, we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Monster you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:P

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Well! Welcome to you also fairymyst78. If that is a photo of you on the profile, your wanting to move up in size with your choice of a bird. My Tiels are extremely loveable with all people, not like Monster. You also have a lovely face.<br><br>Post edited by: Johnny, at: 2008/04/15 18:40

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I have asked this before on this forum, so I should put it here in my welcome thread.


Ms judygram, he was wonderful until he met his first stranger, my son. He waltzed over on evening, about a week after I had brought him home. Monster was 16 weeks old, and a calm bird, but one look at my son he went looney. He raised his wings wide open, and screamed like a bomb alert fome London. His name was born, Monster, but to me he's sweetheat.


I'm excited knowing his name is making him a star.

Just a jest.

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Yes johnny that is me and my tiel Zues, although years after I bought her she laid eggs so really she is a zuesita..hehe. I also have a tiel named Heaven, but others say I should have named her hell. She is nice to me...but not many others. Zues on the other hand is an attention "whore" and won't let you stop scratching her head..she doesn't care who is doing it..just so it's done!

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Hi Johnny & Fairymyst78- nice to meet both of you. We look forward to learning more about you both. I also have a monster on my hands, but we call him Lyric Angel. My boyfriend thinks it should be Lyric Devil instead because they don't always get along so well. Ah well, not everyone can get along with everyone else now can they?

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