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Advice on getting a puppy?


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Hi Everyone. I am considering getting a puppy and would like to get some opinions about which breed? I have raised pup's in the past with Fel and all has been okay. I do not allow her out of her cage unsupervised with the dog, of course.

I don't live in the best of neighborhoods and would feel better if I had a dog. What do ya'll think?


Thanks for the input!!

Fels Mom

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If you stick by your own rules, you should have no trouble getting a dog or other pet. Different types of animals can eventually get along. Sometimes, they don't. Just make sure that you're not lessening the amount of attention and time and habits between you and your bird. Birds pick up on things like. So many people here have dogs and cats and even reptiles. I have a dog who's extremely protective of one of my greys. They've know each other since the bird popped out of the egg.

What kind of breed you get is another matter. If you're asking whether one type as opposed to another type is friendlier with birds, well that's a question that can't be answered. I imagine that you want a dog that will be somewhat aggressive in other situations involving you and others or situations you don't feel comfortable. Having that type of dog has nothing to do with how it will get along with a bird. The only thing I can say about the breed is to get a dog that's not inclined to go after you as time goes on. There are dogs out there that do that.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/12 22:41

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I have 3 dogs, and thankfully they are all great with Juji, but I think that's just an individual personality thing. Juj has landed on ALL of their heads, and they haven't even flinched.


I am a big dog breed enthusiast, and I would recommend that you do your research and make sure that the breed fits your personality, energy level etc...


Hope all goes well.



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I got this choc lab puppy.Man I hated her for awhile but now its all worth it.Shes settled down alot.I hear they are a pain in the butt as pups but honestly it was worth the pain in the butt.Labs are good dogs. Get information on Labradors.

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Hey Felsmom:

You should definitely research dog breeds and find one that matches the energy level and temperment that you are wanting. I just got a mini dachshund and it has been lots of fun. I do struggle each day to allocate enough time to the dogs/birds/chores/work/sleep etc... it seems there is never enough time in the day. It is worth it in the end though! Best of luck!

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