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Bath in the water dish


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Guest Skuffy

Max is funny trying to wsh...He climbs in his water bowl..Ive got a plastic casserole dish oval shaped,Ive been putting it down in Max cage trying to get him to bath in it...Hes just not interested, even put Toys in it,but to no avail..I'll kep trying tho,,He hates the Mister Bottle...lol

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My grey's love to get showers with me but as soon as I take them out they are in their water bowl continuing the showering. It is funny to watch. I've tried putting bigger water bowls in the cages so they can actually get a bath and they refuse to use it...

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My grey Rascal does the same thing quite often, and of course hardly gets wet at all. Then I try to give her something of suitable size and she won't play in it at all. And then of course she abhors the mister bottle, no matter how excited and upbeat I try to make shower time.


People whose birds like water make me jealous... bathtime is not something either of us look forward to. Oh well, better to bear it a couple times a week than have a dirty bird. :P

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Charlie is the same, he hates it when I mist him but like you said its something that we have to do wether they like it or not. I always put a bowl in the bottom of the cage still and add some toys to try and get him interested, I think he only has used this a couple of times but I will keep trying.;)

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wildmike556 wrote:

People whose birds like water make me jealous... bathtime is not something either of us look forward to. Oh well, better to bear it a couple times a week than have a dirty bird. :P



My sentiments exactly!!!:blink: :laugh: :P B)

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Now that's one funny video. Still laughing so hard. Thank you for that. My Monster love a real bath, with all his toys bobbing up at him. He looks like one third the size when I can get him out. Going in there once, was a major mistake. He didn't want me in there with him, so I received the message very fast.


Boy, if he didn't cost so much :evil:<br><br>Post edited by: Johnny, at: 2008/04/16 09:26

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