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I'm back !!!!!!


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Hi my fellow bird family !!!


I missed you all sooooooooo much!!!I want to say thanx for all your thoughts and prayers for my recovery.All I did was think about getting back on the computer and corresponding with you all and all the interesting topics you all share.

This has been a real awakening though.Sometimes it takes a difficult experience to happen too make you really think about how your life should go.Plus also appreciate what you have in your life.

I still wont be on as much it hurts my left wrist when I type and typing one handed takes forever.

Again thanx and I Love You All !! :kiss:

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Yeah Toni is back and I must say you are a sight for sore eyes, we have missed you dearly and are so glad you are on the mend.


It does take something like this to make you realize how precious life is and that it can be taken away in the blink of an eye.


Hope that wrist heals soon so you can get busy and post and have a little fun too, and I love you too.

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SuzysZoo2.jpg Hi Toni,Great to have you back.Yes we never know what life has in store for us until something like this happens.You take it easy, don't rush anything & get that wrist healed so you can get back here posting with us ;)<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/04/11 01:41
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