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Toni's injuries


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alesia here.Im going to try to post x-rays of toni's injuries. I took her to the doctors. she had the arm cast removed and now has to exercise it.hopefully she can use the computer soon I a week or so.but still she nees to elevate her leg.


she had two plates put in the arm and leg these are to hold the bones in place and hopefully heal together,they are watching out for the round bone in her ankle area with the two srews in it.if it turns all white that means they have to do another surgery and place a fake bone there and fuse it at a 90 degree angle for good. she needs to listen though so far the bone is okay.cross fingers..

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Guest Skuffy

Thats only 1/2 of it...Goes right top the top my Bum:blush: 22mth i had that thing on...I grew a NEW shin ..Had to brake the bone 4 times a day....Told neve walk again,,,Spent 5yrs in a wheelchair then thought F**K this learnt myself to walk again,,braking my hip in the prosses,,,:woohoo:

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Guest Skuffy

ye am kinda ok now..Just got on with it been a long 6yrs,better than having my leg chopped off as what was going to happen till i sign myself out came home hit the Pc...I watch Discovery i know we can be Fixed,my Doc was a Nob,easy to cut it off...I found a Doc on the net in a Hossi close to me in Manchester...He took me on and Fixed me..In the prosses i contraced MRSA, that nearly killed me...I came home to die..I was 6 stone wet...They pumped me everyday with a Drug for Lukimia, something called Gentamicen<--can't spell it....But it killed mrsa....I just battle on where i am now..:blush:

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  • 3 months later...

Doctor says Im doing better.Starting to walk now with out the walker. Doctor still wants me to use it out in public or in my yard.He has no worries of the public Ive only been out for doc appoitments and couple other times.I dont like people seeing me this way.I have a weird self-image of myself. Anyhoo, the talus bone is dying but this last appoitment it hasnt dyed anymore.Now he has me doing therapy to get my foot walking front ways because it goes side ways.

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Wow Toni, what happened? :ohmy: How could this happen?


Anyway, I am glad to also read you are making progress. I hope you will recuperate completely and wish you strength :)

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Thanx Tracy....


The good news though is right now its healing.Hope it stays that way and not go the other way.I just can't wait to drive again.The only driving I've been doing is driving myself nuts staying home. I haven't seen a Walmart since March 14th. I use to go every day !...

Xrays looked good though so cross fingers hope for the best.

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