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What's your Job ?


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I am an Administrative Manager. Very low key stuff. I like it because at previous jobs I could barely go to lunch without everyone acting like it was a disaster. Forget sick days or vacation.

Now I take all my vacation, take off when I don't feel well, etc. My boss is very cool and actually doesn't work in my building - she's clear across the state at our parent company. Plus, they sent me on a cruise last month - how can I complain? Really, my only complaint is the commute (37 miles one way).

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I trained in Computer Programming, worked my way up the chain to Senior Project Manager in IT, then quit to mind my kids! Now I am counsellor during school hours and a 3rd year Psychology student. I decided to work with people instead of machines!

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I am a student studying electronics and telecommunications moving onto civil engineeringand arcitecture probably and teresa is studying international relationals with a part time comparative democracies :)

Caroline what is your hubbies self employment?? Me and a frined ran our own comp for a year pond safety uk his girlie is a pharmacutical dispenser too. :)

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Molecular biologist. I am the Operations Director of a biotec company performing Nucleic Acid Tests, Oncology marker screening, SNP testing and cytogenetics. We screen the majority of the US Plasma for viral markers (over 12 Million donoations/year) with FDA approved PCR assays and provide inividual patient testing in virology and oncology. In my free time (not much) I like to hang out with my wife and pets, surf, mtn bike and go camping. No kids yet...but new home owner!

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I am the office manager of a manufacturer's representative- we represent manufacturers that make computer related parts and such, for example the printers that go in the gas pumps that print out your receipts, or the GPS modules that go in certain products that let you track where they are. That's just an example, we handle several different lines. I do all the inside office stuff, I keep the office running smoothly and trouble free!

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My boyfriend and myself work at a die cutting firm owned by his parents. We manufacture steel rule dies and have the machines that run them. Our customers are printers and we do the cutting, folding, and glueing of the pieces. We do folders, stickers, table tents (the things you see at bars and restaurants), door hangers, shelf talkers (the ads at the grocery stores), and we also specialize in "tipping" which is inserting items like cds/dvds into packaging and we tip credit cards and things like that onto packing with "Booger glue" Thrilling, I know!:) I personally do estimating, accounts payable/receivable, and payroll!


The best part is that I have the ability to bring my dogs or birds to work as I wish!!!!:woohoo:

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I kind of have two jobs...the one that I have to leave the house for is Sign Language Interpreter for an elementary school. Basically, I have a deaf student in a room of 30 normal hearing students. I sit in front of her and sign everything the teacher/kids say. It's fun...there's more to it than that but that's my main job there...this year I'm in 5th grade.


Job 2


I used to work in a group home for disabled deaf adults. One of the residents was a woman named ..well I'd rather not say...confidentiality reasons. She's hearing but has to sign to communicate. She and I hit it off from day one...anyway a few years later she had the opportunity to kick that group home to the curb and live on her own....with a roommate. I thought, "I'll do it temporarily..." Well, it's 12 years later and we're still together. I can't imagine life without her...basically my husband and I help her with regular stuff...making meals...cleaning...shopping...fun stuff...etc. She's a real kick in the pants...while I'm at work, she goes to a job she has...then we're all together in the evenings. She visits her family every other weekend so my husband and I have a few days off a month. It's not really like working though..ya know?<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2008/04/20 21:18

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I apprenticed and broke into the business by working for E Harmony.com and as soon as I was vested, I ventured out on my own. I opened and now run an high end escort service for clients that have very strange likes, dislikes and have a need for satisfying their unique wants, needs and desires. Foreign dignateries and foreign ambassadors from different countries visit frequently.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/21 03:09

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danmcq wrote:

My Job is to make sure others do theirs.


Thought I would keep it simple. :-)






What a head-ache :laugh:




I work part-time at a lawyers-office for human rights but I am not a lawyer. Although they do their best it is one of the most hypocritical worlds on earth. The law is dry and doesn't allow for flexibility at all. Still I am very happy to be part of helping other people. Sorta :P

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I am an Adminstration Manager at a Casino, in charge of the Slots and Tables daily figure reports, handles and growth.


HeatherStrella I find your work very interesting as my Fiance of 7 years has a deaf Son. Jacques was born completely deaf. We tried various options and implants to no avail. He is now 18 years old and an absolute honey, intellegent and finished school last year. He is attending a Colleague for the deaf studying as a Chef.




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I do not sign much Heather. Got to know the basics but amazing we always seem to understand each other. My fiance signs well. He has no hangups being deaf at all. Intelligent, good looking and great personality. You right, it's more like another race than a disability to them.




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