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I tell everyone to use the Aloe Juice. If you already spray your bird why not. Elmo doesn't have any issues with dry skin or plucking, but after an Aloe bath he smells nice...it gets rid of the "dirty bird" smell much better then water. There are sprays they sell in the store, but I always tell people to go to Walmart and buy the gallon of Aloe for half the price.

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It's in the Pharmacy department...with the constipation stuff. LOL!


The "dirty bird" smell I notice on Elmo is just a noticable bird smell...not really musty, but like a stale smell. I could only smell it when he is right under my nose but after a bath you don't smell it anymore. When he was a baby he always smelled like the formula.:P

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I'm pulling your leg re the "dirty bird" smell. The only smell I know on Gus is a bird smell. Besides the smell of formula (as you said) when he was tiny "birdy" smell is all I know - but then all our birds have the same birdy smell.


Please tell me if this aloe stuff is watered down at all.



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Yeah, don't water it down...works much better strait from the bottle.


Now, aloe gel should not be used at all. Most of the time there are weird additives in the bottles gels. I have aloe plants growing in big pots on my porch I use for birdy booboos...nothing but natural aloe in the plant.

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LOL Judy - Birdy Boo-Boos - Ouch I got a black eye when my Grey flew into it :P Sounds better than the old Door knob story :P


Aloe is wonderful stuff isn't it? I know when I spray Dayo down, I can actually see the "Dust" roll off at first, the stuff works great!! :-)

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Hey, Berna was the one to bring that up but I assume she meant if one of her birds got a booboo she could put aloe straight from the plant on it for it is safe, but glad you liked the phrase, does sound better than the old door knob story!!:laugh:


I know that once they dry off after being sprayed they are softer and smell good, you know not that "dirty bird" smell:P

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:laugh: Yes, when Elmo gets a Boo-Boo. When he was a baby he bobbed on one of his toys trying to get food out of it and got a bump next to his beak. I rubbed the aloe on it and it healed right up.


I got one worse than ALL of you...any of you remember the bird claw under the eyelid!

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I was watching TV in bed with my Grey and the both of us fell asleep...me on my side and the grey on my head. I'm not sure what happened...if I moved or the grey did...but somehow he fell off my head, slid down my face and was grabbing for anything that he could get his foot around to catch himself. Well guess what he grabbed? My top eyelid of my right eye. I'm not sure how I managed it but I was able to roll with him as he latched on and had him on his back with my face over him. It was a good 30-40 seconds before I was able to calm him and remove his toe from inside my eye without more damage. I'm pretty sure there isn't much more than a scrach on the inside of my eyelid and it should be better in a few days but I am worried about infection so I asked a girl working at the eye doctors inside the WalMart what I should be watching out for. Needless to say I got the "what the ____" look from everyone that could hear me and the girl I was asking was a bit speechless and had to have me repeat exactly what got in my eye.

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Thanks Berna for sharing that story with us again, I just don't remember it the first time around but at my age thats not too unusual:laugh:


Just like with kids, greys can play rough and get a little boo boo, maybe a scratch or something, aloe plants are good to put on that or on our booboos too for that matter, if you have aloe plants then use them.

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I've been wanting to try the aloe idea. Athena doesn't like misting of any kind and she's not particularly fond of showers. Every couple of days though she likes to dance around in a shallow baking dish and get her wing tips, breast and tail wet. I wish she would get the back wet, but she expressly doesn't like that.


As for that birdy "smell" - I've gotta say I love her smell. :) She just always smells clean and fresh to me, not a soapy clean but just a "natural" clean!

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