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Happy Birthday, Klaus!


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Today is Klaus' hatch day.

He is a one-year old!

We celebrated by giving him a nice bowl of oatmeal with baby food sweet potatoes mixed in.

Then he started grinding his beak & looking sleepy, so now he's taking a nice birthday nap!


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Aw, he's such a sweetie!

He probably wishes Mommy would stay home & play all day instead of going to work. But Mommy has to work so she can buy treats and toys! :P

It's probably just me, but lately he seems like he's acting like a little more mature fellow. A little less "velcro" (refusal to be anywhere but ON ME when he's out of the cage). Tonight he played like a perfect gentleman on the outside of his cage while I helped my son with his homework.

Is it wishful thinking, or do you guys think at one year they start to mature just a little?

Thanks for the nice hatch day wishes, too!

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Laurie wrote:

Is it wishful thinking, or do you guys think at one year they start to mature just a little?



Most definitely, Laurie they do and unfortunately that usually means they don't care as much for the snuggling as they did when younger but that is the way it is, like children they become a little more independent.

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