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terrifying experience!


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ok so today I got the DNA sex test paperwork in the mail and I had posted before how I was nervous to attempt this. Well it came with instructions that seemed pretty detailed and understandable so I gave it a shot. My mom held her while I got a toe and clipped a little bit waited squeezed her toe no blood. So clipped a tiny bit more squeezed waited no blood. Then I cut a little bit more and squeezed and a little bit of blood started to come out so I stopped. I got the card and squeezed and only a tiny tiny bit of blood coming out then all of a sudden a river began. It was just pouring out of her all over me and my mom and I freaked out. I called my job and they said to use corn starch (I was using flour and it wasn't working) So I rushed and got the corn starch and it finally seems to have stopped. I think that had to be the scariest moment ever! I could hear her heart beating so loud and hard it made me nervous! I kept talking softly to her and rubbing her foot and petting her head. She seemed ok she was giving kisses and stuff but whenever you went to push the corn starch on she would try to bite and get very angry. :( my poor baby I will never attempt that again ever = Should it have bled that much? She is holding her leg up now like she doesn't want stand on it. I did exactly like the pictures said to do I didn't even cut that much :(

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Melanie I am so sorry you had a horrific experience with clipping a talon for some blood, I would have freaked out myself. I don't think it should have bled that much, I thought a slight snip would only give a drop but from what you describe it bled a lot more. I would keep an eye on it for a few days but they do hold one foot up to rest it and they do that a lot.


You poor thing, I would have rushed her to the vet ASAP if it was me and I would have been a basket case by the time I got there.

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I was about ready to jump in the car I called my job because my manager is like a bird guru so I asked her and she said CORN STARCH!! when I tried that it worked..but it took a few attempts... I was on the verge of tears, it was awful I thought oh well one little snip of it and it will let out a little blood and that's it. Well I did a little snip it bled a tiny bit then the Nile river cam flowing out...:( my boor baby! She is eating some chicken now and seems happy...but deep down I know she is probly thinking "what did my mommy do to me? Why would she hurt me like that?" :( that makes me very sad!

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So is she eating and playing like normal now? If so she was not hurt too bad and she will get over it, sometimes they will hold a grudge but if she is acting normal then she has forgiven you but "just don't do it again" is what she may be thinking.:S

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Awww that sounds so scary!!! Im sure she is fine though, they usually get over things good. I think sometimes it shakes us up more than them. I had a similiar experience with a budgie of mine, he jumped on the quaker cage when I turned my back and he almost lost his toe!! That little guy bleed a lot!!! He got all weak and I thought I was going to lose him....but with some fast thinking and home remedies he made it!! There was no avian vet open!! I almost fainted!

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She is being normal now eating and everything asking for snuggles she puts her head down lets me pet her and she gave me kisses and said I love you for the first time so that has to be good. Right now she is sitting on her perch clicking away and stuff but she is still holding that leg up which I guess is normal. I think I am more traumatized than she is. = The only thing that made me feel a little at ease is knowing that my manager is a guru and would rush to my house to take care of her if need be. Plus her best friend is an avian vet and could have come also. But still...I wouldn't ever want it to come to that. I will never again attempt to do that. When I get my quaker I think I am going to take him/her to my job to have them do it for me.

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Yea, cutting a nail to the quick can cause a river of blood. It is also very sensitive as well. She should be just fine! I know it is kind of scary if you aren't expecting it. I would suggest if you have any rough pedicure perches to take those out for a few days while it heals. She could bust the seal and start bleeding again.

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Nikko's groomer did the DNA test for me. She trimmed each nail, but no blood, no she started trimming one toenail a little shorter to get the sample. When she finally got it bleeding, it bled like crazy. Poor Nikko ran away from the groomer, and ran up my arm on to my shoulder. It was a good thing I was wearing a red shirt that day, because she bled all over it. The groomer wasn't concerned though, so I think it must look have looked a lot worse than it was :dry:. Her little foot was sore for a couple of days though :(.


I've read that plain flour is also good for treating bleeding, and that you can also slide the nail along a bar of soap to "plug" it up. I think they all burn though, which is probably why your baby didn't want you putting more corn starch on her nail.

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It is always scary to see blood from your bird. :ohmy:


Corn starch usually works good and it's a good idea to keep steptic powder on hand also. It will stop the bleeding almost instantly. The key is, you need to apply pressure to it for 10 to 20 seconds.

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I'm glad you posted this, I was told by a vet how to trim nails so I always did my budgies nails, my cat, my dog and my aunts dog. First time I trimmed Gizmos nails there was no problem, the second time I knicked him and he bled a lot too. He made a noise that scared me so i took him, dumped a bunch of flour on the table and made him stand in it, but it didn't work right away either, and I was terrified too! But he started clicking, whistling and just kept eating his seeds that I was feeding him (they're his treat), couldn't have cared less that he was bleeding...if I knicked the budgie or dog it dribbles and that's it, so this is assuring to hear that it does happen and I didn't seriously gouge him (he's fine now, but I'm taking him to a vet next time...) Thank-you!

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Yeh, I spoke to my job and they said it probly looked a lot worse than it actually was. They say on grey's if you slightly knick it even a little too much that i will bleed a lot. Also, if the bird is very upset and their heart is pumping like crazy this will cause more blood flow. Luckily she was good enough to still let me get her paw and apply pressure with the corn starch. But I will never attempt that again!

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It's happend to me a few times and blood gets all over the place. The first time was very upsetting for everyone. I was in full panic mode. I scoured the internet and quickly found the advice to pinch the toe to stop the blood flow. That did NOT work. I could not get it to coagulate. So I called my mom who's a nurse and she said she'd be right over with Steptic Sticks. They look like long wooden match sticks but the tip has something on it that reacts with the mucous in the tissue and chemicaly seal the wound by simply touching it to it. It worked instantly and flawlessly. Apparently they use them on patients to seal wounds like when they pull a feeding tube out of stomach or something. I have a canister full of them now and even take them with me when we travel to the beach and stuff just in case.

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