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So where does everybody live?


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You win Makena B)! I can't imagine a nicer place to live.


Wendy, every morning my mom walks out the back door, comes back in with a handful of oranges, and runs them through the juicer. We've be here almost 5 years, but it still seems like such a novelty :).


Joe, I looooovvvvvveeeeee home grown tomatoes. So much better than in the store. Same with cucumbers. We don't have a garden though :(. I really would like to get a couple of boxes just to grow those two things.

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I live on a Great Lake too. It's Erie, PA. I been to Florida and its really hot. I was there for two weeks.I was sick for the first week. Doctor said it was the climate change.

I would miss the seasons change.

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I live in Southwest Florida...born and raised. The summers are always hot hot hot, and so is most of the winter. I've only been out of the state twice, and both times in the summer...I've never seen snow.


I have a huge orange tree in my back yard and this year we picked 16 bags of fruit off it...and there is still more on the tree!

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:) wow everyone you sound like your all from great places,hot weather i love but in scotland we tend to get more rain & wind:(

ooooooh the thought of the lovely fresh orange juice,made with the oranges picked straight from the garden,:) :) thirsty thinking about it.:silly:

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There has been a huge influx of great cheifs coming to Atlanta the past few years. There are literally hundreds of fabulous resturants not to mention the hundreds of ones that would be just good. Additionally we have a massive ethnic population, so you can always get authentic ethnic food....YUM!

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BMustee wrote:

I live in Southwest Florida...born and raised. The summers are always hot hot hot, and so is most of the winter. I've only been out of the state twice, and both times in the summer...I've never seen snow.


I have a huge orange tree in my back yard and this year we picked 16 bags of fruit off it...and there is still more on the tree!


mmmm, I'm going to plant myself some orange trees once I get moved into Tallahassee!

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But there are creepy bugs in Florida :ohmy:! From my experience, the more humid a place is, the bigger and yukkier the insect population is :sick:.


I was worried that Arizona would be filled with creepy crawlies, but so long as you don't live in a hilly area (they get scorpions), all is well. The only real pests we get in our house are those tan colored crickets. However, we do have coyotes and javelinas running through our yard a lot, so you don't want to leave any of your pets outside unattended.

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Don't get me started on bugs! :sick: :sick: :sick:


If I don't see another cockroach, centipede, mosquito, cane spider, ant or scorpion for the rest of my life I would be a happy camper!


At least we don't have snakes in Hawaii!

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