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Happy Mothers Day Sunday 2nd March

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It is tomorrow here too. Mine never ever remember. My birthday was a few days ago and they always forget that too. This year I got a present in the evening as my hubbie ran off to get one when he remembered during the day. Unfortunately it was a necklace almost identical to the one he bought me last year.


I am supposed to remember all their birthdays though. I would love to accidentally "forget" them once in a while but I am too chicken.



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Here here. Hope you will be doing something nice. Thought I would be going to be having a nice meal or going out somewhere,but in hospital having tests done! I know weird day on a sunday but never mind. Happy mothers day to everyone xxx :)

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Happy Happy Mother's Day Tracy and Siobhan!!! You know, misery loves company. I always thought I was the only mother in the world who never got a Happy Birthday or Happy Mother's Day from child or hubby. Now that my son is a father who expects to be remembered on Father's Day he's much better at remembering Mother's Day!

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It isnt that they dont remember is it Tracey/Kat? I mean how could they not know with posters every where selling cards, flowers chocolates etc. Its just that they dont see the importance of it to us.


Well I am up sitting at the computer, and didnt get breakfast in bed or anything... but the day is young!

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I have 2 sons 20 and 25 they always remember. The oldest(Sean) is more sentimntal than the younger(Jordy).Sean usually gets my 2 fav perfumes and daycare certificate,and a Hallmark card, yes I check the back !!haha. While Jordy will do my fav flowers,white carnations and a card.The oldest sons g/f takes me out to lunch. I cant wait til May.

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oooh rub it in Toni :angry: .... Its not fair! On a brighter side my son gave me a card he made in school and my eldest daughter actually bought me a mothers day present for the first time ever... a box of Butlers Chocolates. It must have been Tracey's video that did it so Thanks Tracey :lol:


Oh and Oisin being the good little parrot he is finally touched pasta with his beak... ok so he took one piece out of his dish and chucked it on the floor... but hey its progress!

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That is so funny that Oisin doesn't want to touch pasta, Josey loves the stuff in any form and I am sure he will too eventually.:blink:


But glad that you have been remembered today and hopefully Tracy is enjoying her day since I have not seen her on today, her family probably had a big day for her today, I hope so she deserves it.:)

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Well i did get a bouquet of flowers & cards from my kids so im happy :) I did give in tho & make them bacon sandwiches for breakfast :pinch: they would have starved otherwise :S Still did the washing & household chores :angry: I didnt cook dinner, we had pizza ! so just like a normal day really but with flowers ;)

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Well glad they at least did something for you Tracy, but they just don't realize how special you are and one day they will but it will be too late.


Hope the rest of your day is happy and you have a wonderful time with your greys, they appreciate you very much.:kiss:

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