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Atheist Grey


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I'm sure all of you have a local station that has a bunch of church stuff on Sunday mornings...well, last Sunday I was going to stay in bed a little longer than usual but Elmo wanted out of his cage. I took him out and put him on his tree stand and turned the TV on. I jumped back into bed and couldn't find the remote to change it off the church show so I just left it on (I'm so lazy). Elmo must have wanted to get a better look so he came flying over onto the foot of the bed where he always watches TV and just staired at it. Then, everytime the priest would get done saying something Elmo started laughing! Not just giggling, but all out laughing. He kept doing this for about 8-10 minutes before I found the remote under the pillow and changed the channel...thats when he stopped watching TV and came up to be with mommy. I'm telling you, I should have named him Damion and I'm betting there is a 666 birthmark under his feathers somewhere!!! :laugh: :evil: :laugh:

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I just could not believe it when I saw it. Elmo LOVES the show Two and a Half Men and goes to the foot of the bed and watches it every night and laughs along with the show. I always thought it was because of the laugh-track and he would just laugh when he heard others laughing, but there is no laugh track in church!:evil: He never laughs when he watches Nova or Nature though...just stairs at it like he is learning something.


I wish I would have gotten a video of it...OMG, you all would die!

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I would love to see it. Does Elmo's laugh sound like you laughing? That's so cute that he laughs to the tv. Lyric likes to watch cartoons- "The Simpsons" always has him fascinated. He takes after my man there- I swear that guy loves the show. Lyric hasn't learned how to laugh yet though- I'd love it if he did.

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