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Had a Bad Day


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I was a little concerned about Sunny, my sun conure yesterday as she was not really her usual self, she was a little clingy, sitting on my shoulder and keeping herself close to me as if for the warmth of my body. It was a cold day, about 40 degrees F for a high but it was warm inside the house, we keep the thermostat at the same setting.


But this morning she was back to her usual self although she seemed to be ravenously hungry, she laped up her oatmeal with gusto, she must not have ate a lot yesterday with feeling under the weather.


My guess is she was feeling a little depressed, is that possible with a sun conure, but I was sure glad she was more perky today, I was considering taking her to see the avain vet and I won't rule it out entirely, I will watch and see.


Have any of you ever had one of your birds display such behavior before? I hope I never see her like that again for it worried me, she is as precious to me as Josey is and I love them both dearly.:unsure:

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do you use those UVA/UVB bulbs? i wonder what the consensus of the board members are. the adverts say they help with all sorts os stuff including mood.


i did go ahead and spend the $27.99 on it but since i dont' know any better, have no way of knowing if it works or not.


maybe with this longer winter, who knows? we could all use a little lift.

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Judy I think that's exactly what happened to SweetHeart the other day when I was asking about her behavior. It was kind of gloomy out and well not as much light was coming in to the house. She is back to normal now. Just keep an eye on him and let us know how he does. I think this winter blah's can get to everyone and everything. Hope he is better soon!!

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OMG! Talon has her MOODS! Some days happy as can be, and others grouchy as can be, others feisty, others cuddly. I do use a lite for her when she is in her cage. She seems to like the warmth and the brightness of it. Our parakket LOVE their light, they are always sitting under it, and I do keep my house around 70-72 in the winter.

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