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Put a deposit on a CAG today


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Hi Everyone,


I am excited so I just had to share the news with you. I put a deposit on a CAG today. He's just a baby yet (9 weeks old) so I won't be getting him until early April. That gives me about 6 short weeks to learn even more about him (picked up an additional two books today to go with my collection) and get ready for him. I did take pictures but it's late and I'm tired so I will post the pics on here tomorrow. I just had to share.:woohoo:


And thanks for all the wonderful tips on this site. I've been reading it non-stop for the past couple of weeks.


Any tips on things I should do to prepare for him?

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I remember that feeling. Congrats.Be sure you go visit your baby alot so it can get to know you,I done the research thing alot during this stage of getting Alcazar. The excitement starts now.The anticipation,ughhhhhhhhh...The day its home, you will be in awww.Enjoy . This is the time to take those baby pics too.Oh and dont forget to post,we love seeong pics here

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Congrats Imme on the purchase of your new grey baby, and you will not be able to contain yourself until April when you can finally bring it home.


Just continue to do what you are doing, read all you can and ask questions you may have, we will be here to help you every step of the way.


I look forward to seeing some pics of the new baby so get them up as soon as possible, we are excited for you, can't you tell:lol: :laugh:

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That's awesome Imme! Can't wait to see the pictures. Do you have a name picked out yet?


This is an amazing forum. I bought several books prior to becoming a "parront". To be honest though, I haven't cracked even one open since finding this site! The great thing about here is that books are written as though they are the expert and some of them just aren't. Also, they don't account for the fact that birds are such individuals and what works for some doesn't necessarily work for others. The books are great for basics though. This site is great for getting real-life feedback and varying opinions (which there are a few of here! :-)) and ideas. I like a variety of sources of info.


I do still get Parrot Talk and Good Bird, Inc. monthly magazines and Companion Parrot Quarterly. Two decent all-parrot books are Companion Parrot Handbook and The Beak Book - both by Sally Blanchard. There is a thread in one of the forums here that lists peoples' recommended books on African Grey's in particular.


Again, Congratulations! I hope the 6 weeks goes by quickly for you!

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Here is some pics of the new flock member!!


LisaM, no, I haven't named him/her yet. I think I'll be picking one out for each as I will get the DNA testing done (would be nice to know). My nephew had a good name I thought that could be used if it was a male, Smokie "...because it looks like his tail is the fire and then his body is the smoke." :P


Yes, I am very excited. And I managed to talk them down in price (see my question last week in topic "price")(I always know how to get people to come down in prices). The Raisers said I could come visit during these six weeks and will send me online updates w/ pictures as to how the Grey is doing. Also, they said they can get me a great deal on a cage as their daughter works at a pet shop so I've picked a nice one too. It measures out 24"x36" (not sure about the height anymore, but was fairly tall).

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Thanks everyone. I am very excited. Raposa, sounds like we'll be getting the birds at almost the same time. I'll be getting him/her at the beginning of April. It will be exciting. I am sure I'll be having questions before the arrival and even more after the arival :).

I'll post the pictures as I get them each week too so everyone can watch him grow with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While, I got a cage for him/her yesterday. It is a used cage but the price was great and in very good condition. Just needs lots of cleaning (no rust, etc). The size is 36" x 24", that is big enough, right?


I got some new pics this week so I'll try to post them up soon. Plus, I hope to go visit him this weekend.


How is the getting ready going for you, Raposa?


Still no idea for names yet. I was leaning towards Smokie; however, I am afraid the "mo" part may come across as a "no" to him at times. Trying to avoid anything that may sound like it (bad enough my name is Joe :blink: ). Any suggestions?

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Imme that is great! Your little girl/guy is very pretty/handsome! Can't wait till you bring your baby home and share with us! Look forward to seeing more pics. And the cage size is just fine! Especially if you can let your Grey out as much as possible than it doesn't matter a whole lot for just a sleeping cage. Of course no little canary cages lol. But that cage seems just fine either way. Good Luck and hope to hear more!

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