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I am new to grey forums....

I have a 2 1/2 year old Timneh named Hedwig. She has had some issues the last year...she had a feather cyst removed, and often prematurely breaks blood feathers or chews them. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and what they have done to help their bird.

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Hello Hedwigsmom and welcome to the family, we are so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Hedwig.


I am sorry to hear you are having some issues with her, a feather cyst removed sounds like quite an ordeal and it may have led her to chew blood feathers. I have not experienced this but I am sure with all the members we have her that someone has had that happen and will share that experience with us. It sounds like it was probably something painful to have happen to her.


In any case read thru as many of the threads here for lots of useful and helpful information on a variety of topics. Please do ask questions if you have any and we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Hedwig you would like to share with us we would love to see her.

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Hello Kimmie and welcome to the family, we are so pleased you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Bailey.


I know the next 5 weeks will probably be the longest weeks of your life when you are waiting for a new baby to arrive. I know you are excited and rightly so, it is not everyday that someone gets a grey but you are about to embark on a lifetime committment that will be most rewarding.


Do you have any other birds or pets in your household? If you do have any dogs or cats, I am sure you will take the necessary precautions to make sure Bailey is safe around them and supervise the time he is out of his cage.


I am sure you have already done a lot of research on greys but be sure to read as many of the threads here for lots of useful and helpful information. We have lots of members who are willing to share what they know and learn with all of us. Ask questions if you have any and we will do our best to get some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have pictures you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Welcome Hedwigsmom and Kimmie! I'm sure you will still find plenty of questions to ask in the next coming weeks! I know I did and I had owned a bird for 9 years prior to getting my SweetHeart (TAG). We are getting another addition at the end of March beginning of April so I can join you on the wait lol. But just ask away no matter how silly you think the question is, because THERE ARE NO silly questions!!


Welcome again to the both of you!

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So, She has been on the pluck no more for a couple of days, it has no taste or smell, so it hasn't stopped her from enjoying her bath or drinking water.....I looked on a few blogs about the pluck no more....apparently it is the same formula as something called stress relief 911 or something like that. Many people swear by it, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. The pluck no more is a bit expensive.....but totally worth it if it helps! thoughtfulg.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if the pluck no more is really doing anything......Hedwig is a feather chewer and I came home to blood in the cage AGAIN because she chewed one of her blood feathers. I know this is behavioral, but I can't help to think it has something to do with her having surgery last summer on her wing for a feather cyst. UGH! We have given her endless toys, and a great diet! She eats Harrisons organic pellets with a mix of veggies/fruits and sunflower seeds as snacks. I hope the Pluck no more starts to work! I will keep you posted!




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Oh man hedwigsmoms, what a dilemma. I certainly hope it does get this under control for you and your Grey. The chewing of Blood feathers is not a good indication and alarming to come home and find.


Please keep us posted. :-)

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