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Hello from WI!!!!!

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Hello MommaFawkes and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your recently adopted grey.


How many other birds do you have and what kind are they? I am just curious as it helps us get to know you a little better.


Please read thru the many threads here on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We do our best to get some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of this grey you would like to share with us we would love to see her. BTW, what is her name?

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Hi all and thanks for the welcome!!! My greys name is Fawkes, she is wonderful!! I also have 2 amazons, a red-lored named Aries and a DYH/Tres Maria named Pocco. Then There is Kanye my brown-headed parrot, Titus my gold-capped conure, Truman my Waglers conure, Millie the quaker, Carter my wild caught Mitred conure, 4 budgies(Sirius,Doby,Widgie,Hagrid), 5 lovebirds(Hawk,Rosie,Gumby,Nena,Monkey), 2 ringneck doves(peace and harmony), 5 finches(Jade, houdini, 3 need names yet), and 2 canaries(Fred and ginger)!! Oh and a 16 year old cockatiel named Joey. HAHA!!! I beliee thats all!!! :blink: I will post a picture of Fawkes in a little while here.

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You are not kidding when you say you have a few birds, wow they must keep you busy feeding, cleaning out cages and such. Do they get along together, do you have a birdroom or do they have separate cages. I only have a Cag and a sun conure plus 1 finch and they keep me busy, I can't imagine what you must deal with every day. Would love to see some pictures of them if you would share with us, we have an other birds room where you could post them, hint, hint!!:P :P :P

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Judy I just realized I never answered you question!! We have a bird room but they all have their own cages in there. However the "big" birds are in my room... Aries,Fawkes,Pocco also the finches, canaries and Budgies and my baby birds. They get seperate out of cage time mostly, though Aries, Pocco, and Fawkes are out on their cages all day and just basically ignore eachother. They watch the fish and the little birds and talk to eachother when Im not in the room. Aries however is very quiet and really only makes little clicking and kissing noises. But they all do get daily interaction time with me, also Titus and Truman play together on occasion...but Truman tends to get hormonal after that so we try to avoid it now.

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Thank you MommaFawkes for answering my question, I figured you probably did have a room just for them with that many but wasn't sure. I guess that pretty much takes up your day spending time with each and every one of them, you are so lucky that it all works out for you.

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Yeah it is a lot of birds!!! You would all die laughing if you knew where I lived!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Ok ok...I live in a two bedroom duplex...pay out the ears for my birds...each conure cost me $30 a month to keep here and Fawkes Costs $40!!! Each and every one of my pets costs me extra every month!!! I pay well over $200 a month JUST for the animals...add that on to my rent and :blink: Yeah im crazy...but believe it or not we are not cramped for space and even have room for a few more.....

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There is another thread... you know your a bird person when... we should add a line about when you pay $200 a month just for rent for your birds. And they take up way less floor space than human children. I wonder would your landlord charge $40 a child if you were to have more kids????


Unbelievable ! But you obviously love your birds, if I had to pay a monthly rate per bird I probably would have been cured of MBS by now!



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