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Angie's 1st B-day and food


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Well, Today I took 1/4 of a teaspoon of Red Palm Oil, 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt and crumbled up some wheat bread and mixed it together and Angie gobbled it up. She loved it. Oh, you all don't know how happy I am that she is not plucking. Hopefully she will stop completely but I understand that she could start again at any moment.

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Thats great to hear Rae and you can also try putting a little of the red palm oil in some oatmeal also and feeding it to her.


I hope the plucking does not start again but yes I know that she could start again, just keep her busy and that will help keep her mind off it.

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WOW! That is some fantastic progress! What a little doll. She is sure getting fluffy! I'm so happy to see this, but I'm sure not nearly as much as you are!


I do a similar thing...I take a piece of bread (my new-found sprout bread), sometimes I even toast it for some crunch. I put a tsp of red palm oil, a tsp of yogurt, oatmeal or organic babyfood and a few flax seeds sprinkled on top. Then I split the slice between my 3 parrots and the dog. They ALL love it.


(I actually just tried the oatmeal for the first time this morning...no one in my house eats it so I kept forgetting to buy some...had to google it to see how to even make it...how lame is that!). I love trying new combinations of foods and I get so many new ideas from this site all the time!


Again though Rae, I am thrilled to see how Angie is doing.

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She looks great!! I bet the improvemnets in diet really made a big difference! I know that with my gold-capped conure Titus, the changes in his diet since I got him from the rescue have drastically improved his feathers and his color. He isnt a plucker but he had very ratty feathers and pretty dull colors compared to now! He just finished his first molt since being with me and his feathers are perfect and shiny and his colors are soo bright!!! So a good diet can really help in a lot of ways!! I also feed him plain yougurt, but I bake with it too. I add it in things like muffins and birdie pancakes (small amounts so it doesnt really change the recipe)and they love it! Another thing I do that seems to help is add cayenne pepper to things such as noodles, rice and beans. They love it!! Fawkes my CAG loves anything spicy and actually I sprinkle cayenne on her pellets too. Sorry for rammbling!! :woohoo:

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Oh ramble on please. OK, I have a question. Yesterday my husband burned a Sade CD for me with all my favorites SADE songs. After he did, he handed it to me so I can listen to it. I played it and when the first song came on "No Ordinary Love" Angie just wouldn't stop whistling and mumbling. Our neighbor brought her dog for me to babysit and he whined like crazy. Angie is now whinning like a dog. {Feel-good-0002006E}


She did the same thing this morning and she is doing it again right now. I've been waiting for her to be quiet so I can take her in the shower. I don't want to do it while she is this active because I think she will think I am punishing her for babbling so much. It is hilarious. Maybe she knows it's shower time that is why she is doing this.


It is so funny. I started laughing and she started laughing just like me. She only did it once but she did it.

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raehamilton wrote:

It is so funny. I started laughing and she started laughing just like me. She only did it once but she did it.


This always cracks me up, Josey laughs like me all the time, so Rae you may have only heard it once but rest assured you will hear it many more times.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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