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Angie's 1st B-day and food


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Hi all,


This month Angie turns 1 year old. Also, I have stopped feeding Angie her Parrot food and have been feeding her cups of fruit, spagetti, cheese, I get a cup of frozen vegetables and warm them up and feed them to her, tomatoes etc. Is this going to be bad for her?


Can anyone give me some suggestions as to what other foods to give her I would greatly appreciate it?<br><br>Post edited by: raehamilton, at: 2008/02/14 12:26

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What about noodles, scrambled egg, porridge (oatmeal), birdy bread (see recipes in the food thread).


I am curious as to why you stopped feeding parrot food? But since you have I would probably add some avian vitamin supplement to her drinking water too, to be sure to be sure she is getting everything she needs.



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As siobhan I'm curious as to why you have stopped feeding parrot food ? The fruit & veg should be fed in addition to parrot food, the cheese should be fed in small quantities only as an occasional treat.


here is a link on the variety of foods our members feed their greys...



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Hi Rae, happy birthday to your Grey!!


A human diet as you describe is not going to fill the bill in keeping your Grey in optimum health. It is very important that the diet is full of the proper proportions of Protein, Vitamins, Carbo's and minerals.


As Judy and others have pointed you to, the bird food room has a ton of great information on diets and ideas. :-)

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Hi! I hope I don't come off as offensive because that is not my intent at all. I think you were offended by people asking why you stopped feeding her parrot food, but I don't think they were judging you and your decision as much as true curiosity as we all are continuously learning and change the ways we do things based on what we hear from others at times.


There is some great information on the Food section of the site, particularly some great ideas in the thread called "What did your Grey get today" or something like that.


I'm not sure why you think you need to rehome her? Even without feeding "parrot food" (which you are clearly not in favor of), which could have meant anything from a crummy store-bought seed mix to an organic, deluxe pellet, you can provide a healthy diet for a parrot. It just takes a lot of effort and knowledge (and continuously learning as the general knowledge on the subject does change periodicially as time goes on and people learn more).


If you're trying to go to what they would eat in the wild (per your other comment), I would suggest that they don't eat spaghetti, cheese and frozen vegetables there either. If you're going to take the all natural food route, you need to do some good research on the right mix of food to provide. Be sure to add some protein like lean chicken (no skin), fish (no added oil or butter), etc. They also get protein and healthy fats from good nuts like almonds, etc. Plenty of variety of vegetables, fresh when possible, is great. Be sure if you use frozen vegetables that they don't have added salt/sodium. I'm shocked at how many do! If you can't find one without it, soak it in pure water first and rinse well as that can get rid of some of it. Sweet potatoes are great and they seem to love them. Fruits are great but in smaller portions than vegetables due to their high sugar content. They also love a good cooked mix of rice, beans, veggies or "birdie bread".


One fantastic food to provide is to sprout seeds/beans. Here are some links to good information on sprouting and general parrot nutrition:








Another note is that their life in the wild is quite different than their life in captivity. They don't get nearly the exercise in our homes as they get in the wild so they don't need as much fat, etc.


Please don't feel the need to rehome Angie. I hope that you have a stronger relationship with her after a year that would surpass some inconvenience in food prepartion. Providing a healthy diet even in the absence of "parrot food", can certainly be done!


Another great thing to add to whatever food you are serving is Red Palm Oil. There are several threads about it and it is a big part of their diet in the wild.


Good luck to you. Again, I didn't mean any offense by any of this.



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No offense taken at all. Thank you for the information. By all means I don't only feed her cheese, spagetti and fruit. Some times in writing a post I don't often get all in. I really appreciate the way you put it, honest. I love the way JudyGram gave me an answer without judging me, not trying to say that you are judging me. If someone here is ignorant enough to think that pellet food provides everything a CAG needs well then I am sorry. You and others obviously know that people food can be given to our babies. Whether or not I am changing her food is none of anyone's business. There is one thing asking nicely why I made that choice and another to insult someone for making a choice between feeding my kids and feeding my parrot special food when I can supplement it with what I already have at home. This is something very personal that I didn't need and didn't feel the need to post in order to get help.


If a person can't say something nice or help then they shouldn't say anything at all.


GOD forbid those ignorant people are someday in the same position that I am today.


Thanks again.

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Hi Rae,


I have read through the posts by all of us several times and can not find anyone that made comments judging you or even mentioning "Pellets"?


Perhaps you misread every ones comments in trying to help you out? Your right, in none of us knowing your personal situation and it is not our business at all. But, from your comments regarding feeding your family or buying Parrot food, I would surmise your are going through some tough times right now and I am truly sorry to hear this.


I went back through and read all your posts (It's hard to keep track of everyone on this BUSY site) and now recall your posts regarding the plucking, the breeder that played rough, which probably started it etc.


You have and are going through some challenging trials with your Grey and personal life as well. I read that you were trying to find some Red Palm Oil for your Grey with no success. There is a site that sells it very reasonably priced at 5.99 for a 16oz jar that would probably last for a year:




Heck Rae, I would be willing to purchase and have it shipped to your address if you PM'd it to me. :-) I know tough times and I've been there. I would also have any other food for your Grey shipped to you that you need.


Thats one thing about this forum and it's members, is you know we care about each other and their Greys deeply and will do anything we can to help, with in reason.


I think all of us try to be helpful in anyway we can. :-)

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I do have to appologize to everyone. I should have gone one subject down from to the Food forum and looked through it before asking for help on what food to feed Angie. I am sure others have done it when the subject matter is in front of you and you still ask that question. Is like the guy in the cave. 5 years ago we were at Mammoth Caves in Kentucky taking a tour to the bottom of one of the caves. We came to an auditorium that was man made. The guide had just told us how far below the earth we were and not 30 seconds passed when the man in the front row asked, "Excused me how far below the earth are we?". That is how I feel right now.


As I mentioned my neighbor gave me a 1/2 cup of Harrison's High Potency Pellets and I have been giving a little bit of it for the last 2 or 3 days to Angie along with people food. I also gave her a shower early in the week and all of a sudden she has some down feathers coming out. I can tell she is still plucking but she looks better than before. I will take a picture of her and post it.


Thank you for all the advise and help. There are times when there is no smile and no personality to see between the lines and it's hard for me to accept that I may have to give up Angie. It is not easy to accept it when someone thinks or may think that I am giving her up because I don't care about her. She is so sweet.

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Thank you Rae...


I get what you're saying. Funny thing about my situation is that I have actually improved the diet of my family overall because I'm buying a better variety and healthier, fresh foods for our parrots (that are a lot cheaper than pre-packaged, boxed and sugared foods anyway)! How sad is that? I'll have to say that at times I think it's easier to convert my birds to new healthier foods than my children!


Best of luck to you.



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Here are some pictures of what Angie looks like right now. She looked worse but since I've been showering her more often and feeding her Harrison's High Potency Pellets she has improved a little. She is still plucking though but not as bad as before. Also, does anyone have any suggestions on how I train her to go potty in one place. Every time I take her out of the cage to walk around with me she goes potty. When she sits next to me on my desk I have to line it up with paper because she potties soooooooooo much.<br><br>Post edited by: raehamilton, at: 2008/02/17 02:51



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Dorian's not potty trained (doesn't really leave his cage yet so not an issue yet here) but it's a long-term goal, so whenever I'm around him and I see the pre-potty dance start I say "go potty" and then lots of verbal praise when he does. From reading other threads here on the topic, the goal is to observe his body language then, when the 'dance' starts, say something like 'wait', carry him over to wherever you want (garbage can, cage, newspaper) then say 'go potty' Take a look around on the forums, there's lots of info on the subject.


Angie looks like she's really letting her feathers start to grow back in, she's so fluffy and cute. Especially the first photo, she looks like a little grey cotton ball!

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Thanks for the pictures! Any progress at all with feather plucking is fantastic! Sounds like you've found something that is working. That must make you feel awesome!


One thing I've heard is to try to get her just after she goes potty, carry her around for about 10-15 minutes (or whatever her frequency is), then put her back until she goes potty again, praise, praise, praise, then pick her up again...repeat... You can try to use a phrase she can associate to it but I don't know how well they go "on command".


The only thing that I've actually found to work with mine is to be very aware of her body actions and when she does the "crouch down and wiggle the butt" routine to get her to the cage asap! If I catch it at the crouch, she'll interrupt it and let me get her to the cage. If she makes it to the "butt wiggle", it's bombs away!


Good luck!


(Acappella - gives new meaning to the phrase "eats like a bird", doesn't it? We could make a series of books:


How to Eat Like a Parrot and Lose 50 lbs!

How to Eat Like a Parrot and Lower Your Cholesteral!

How to Eat Like a Parrot and Live 100 years!

How to Eat Like a Parrot and Win That Marathon!

How to Eat Like a Parrot and Raise your IQ by 20 Points!


okay, I'll stop now.)

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