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Oven liners


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I wanted to make others aware of the dangers of Oven Liners.


I have my own UK based parrot forum and one of my members has sadly lost 3 parrots due to these.


Below is a piece from her post on my forum:


"There was no way it wasn't the oven and when we checked we found that the oven liner had moved and was against the guard around the flame. It was burnt!"


Oven liners are teflon coated.


I am fully aware of the dangers of teflon, but had not even heard of these things before today.


So please if you have these then remove them.


I now have a member who has sadly lost all 3 of her parrots. If just one parrot's life is saved from someone reading this, then Mojo, Kiwi and Rambo have not died in vain. Sweet birdy dreams little ones.

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  • 3 months later...

OMG I can't believe someone else had the same accident that I had. It never even dawned on me these mats were made of teflon. I did the same thing. BUT I also threw the thing away, cleaned my oven again then just went to use my oven for cooking and lost a second bird two weeks later. Now I don't dare get another parrot till I'm sure the teflon is really gone. But how do you make sure?

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I'm sorry about your birds, please accept my condolences on your loss but if you cleaned your oven of the teflon and when you used it again you lost yet another bird then you may have no choice but to get a new oven, one without any teflon in it and some self cleaning ones do I think. Thats the only way to be sure.

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  • 7 months later...

I do not own a grey, but I have a story.

I know that you have ways to reach out to the public with info on birds. I don't clean my oven like normal people, I do not use chemicals, I just scrape the bottom and wipe it out with hot water. I was introduced to this new product that was supposed to be made of silicone and heat resistant, you are supposed to place it in the bottom of your oven and it catches debris that falls to the bottom, debris does not bake on and you just empty it after each use or when necessary. I read the package and the reviews online, it seemed like a good safe product, it even says on the product that it is safe. I placed this thing in my oven, proceeded to bake a pizza at 370-375* I know that they thermostat control was a bit below 375* so lets say 370*. Preheated 5 minutes, placed the pizza in and cooked approx 20 minutes.I had yesterday off from work and played with them all day and they were happy, fun and very healthy.I turned off the stove a couple of minutes before the pizza was done, pulled out the pizza and left the oven door open approx six inches.Before we could eat the second piece of pizza, my parrotlet let out a weird peep that I have never heard him do before, my roommate ran to the cage, picked him up and he died in her hand in the matter of seconds.We we very sad and tried to revive him with no luck, about 7-8minutes had passed while we were trying to figure out what the heck happened to our happy little bird.I told my roommate to show his body to my two caiques so they would know that he had died and so they wouldn't whistle for him.I took one caique out the the cage to show him the lifeless parrotlet, then I went to have the other caique to step up, she looked she was drunk, she was squatting sort of on her heated perch. I immediately knew we had to rush them outside to get some fresh air, Daisy was my baby girl, my first parrot and my good friend, she went down hill fast. I called an avian vet at the University of TN, they said she needed oxygen asap. I called my local Fire Dept. they came with a rescue truck and administered oxygen into a box with Daisy for 25-30 minutes, she looked more alert, but sort of in shock.The avian vet at UT said to take the oxygen off of her and see if she stays alert, if she fades backwards it would mean that she had a lethal dose and her outcome was not good.We took the oxygen and headed toward the University, Daisy started to go down hill very soon into our journey, so I turned around and let her rest at home.Daisy suffered for more than four hours before she finally gave up. I feel as if I lost my child, I do not have children and my birds are my babies. In the matter of four hours, 2 of my 3 of my family members were gone.I have contacted the company that packaged this product, they are claiming that this product is safe. I don't have a self cleaning oven, I clean it myself. I want the warnings to change on the packaging to state harmful affects on birds.

Thank you for listening

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These stories are all so sad, my god... I can't imagine the hurt this must cause, especially when the families go to such great lengths to protect their feathered ones, only for some surprise like this to creep up. I'm so, so sorry for the losses mentioned here, it brings tears to my eyes to read these stories... The least I can do in honor of these beautiful lives is go check my own oven. We just moved into a new apartment and haven't used it yet, and if our first use were to kill our Tango, I would be absolutely devastated. Thank you for the warnings, and again, I'm so sorry for the way this knowledge came about.

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That is so sad I'm so soory for your loss all of you. Now I'm afraid to use my oven. I have a selfcleaning oven but I do use the self cleaning setting. But Judy said that some self cleaning ovens have Teflon I just bought all brandnew appliances 2yrs ago when I sold my other house and bought the one I'm living in now. I'm going to have to call the manufacturer to make sure there is no teflon in my stove. I could not handle it if I lost any of my bird due to something like that I replaced all my pots and pans to stainless steel when I moved in here just to make sure that there was nothing like that in my home. I pray that I won't have to read any more post like this thanks to all your warnings. I trully hope that this will be read by all bird owners. I wish there was a way to expose that company that is saying that their product is totaly safe so that this won't happen again. It seems to me that so many company's could care less about how many beloved birds are hurt and killed as long as they can line their pockets. mabie you can report it to some of the animal protection places and they may be able to get this company to at least put some kind of warning on their product. Sorry for rambleing but this kind of things upset me I get very angry with company's that advertise that something is safe when it isn't

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  • 5 months later...

I wanted you to know that the EXACT same thing happened to me this past Feb. when an oven liner I had had in the oven for over a year touched down on the bottom grate and burned in three places. I lost my beloved Grey and two cockatiels, one who was 15 and had outlived most of the colony I raised. These companies WON'T post warnings on their lables or websites. I have tried and even when they promised to post a warning on the website they haven't. Instead they just added me to their promotional email lists...


Thanks you for trying to save others. I wish I had been a member of this forum before Ruben died!!!

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I agree with you!!! I purchased an oven liner from a seller on Amazon, the seller said the oven liner came from Dupont Company, that is where I would start, they would not respond to my phone calls or emails. I would be happy to help in anyway that I can. The oven liner that I purchased said silicone on it. I would not trust the silicone muffin pans either. I am very sorry for poochbabe's loss.....these pet deaths can be prevented, but it has to start with the manifacture's labels. My opinion is that they do not put warning labels on the items, because if it can kill a parrot, where would people draw the line...small dogs, cats, children? It would scare a lot of people out of using their products, but should we be breathing these fumes ourselves? we will find out in several years how harmful they are to humans.


Thank you for your comments, I was too broken to do anything about it a few months ago, but I am ready now. Any ideas out there?

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My oven liner was by a company named Roscho but when I went to the website they listed on the packaging for information the URL was disabled. I Googled the product and found that Pfaltzgraff is one of the major companies that distributes this particular liner and sell them online. I spoke to Customer Service and told her what happened. I expressed to her that I was not interested in pursuing a legal claim but wanted them to post a warning online and to put pressure on the company to put warnings on the labels. They assured me that they would advocate on my behalf and NOTHING...


I also contacted the Sunbeam parent company to ask if a rotisserie that I own and have owned for about 10 years had any teflon-like parts or had any PTFEs in or on the product and after many emails and three weeks of waiting they told me that that information was "proprietory" and could not tell me...I freaked. I am pursuing it with the FDA at present.


I think getting the companies that SELL the product is the way to go. The manufacturer could care less, but the companies that sell them need to make sure they are not held liable for the death of so many beloved pets.

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  • 1 year later...

We bought an oven liner before our Christmas party last year. After cooking all day for the party, our parrot Twyla (8 years old) seemed fine as people arrived. A couple hours later, however, her eyes were all "nonseeing" - she bit me for the first time in her life, and she was holding on to her cage with her beak for dear life. 20 minutes later she was dead and we had no idea why. I threw out the liner, and am heartbroken that something so innocent made my bird suffer and die.


However 3 days later we got a new grey, DaVinci, and replaced anything like oven liners, got new pots and pans, new cleaning products, etc...never again.

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