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In an effort to get to know everyone a little better, I created this game.


Ask a question that you want the next poster to answer. The answer can be a simple yes/no or you can go into more details.


Have Fun!!!!!


I will start...


If you could take a dream vacation where would you go?

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Jamaica. Without hesitation. My childhood dream. I wouldn't go for the lush beaches but for the reggae, the music in the streets etc. although of course I would enjoy from the famous Caribbean beaches as well.





if you could do your life over again exactly the same, would you?

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No. But there is a song that has been a great inspiration to me - and that's 'the woman in the moon' from Barbra Streisand. 'they believe that strange is a word for wrong, well not in my song' - I have always lived by this concept from then on. "Strange" - or "different" isn't automatically wrong.



Did life fulfill your expectations of it (or didn't you have any to start with)?<br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2008/02/09 10:42

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Yes, I married not only a man with a total different mentality than I have I also landed into an environment that had total different values and manners than what I knew till then. So, I'd say my emigrating to Israel had a major impact on me.



I'd like to pass on the same question:


Have you had any major events in your life that changed your outlook on life ?

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I have the same feeling as FairY. Since moving to Hawaii my whole outlook has changed. Being the minority for the first time in my life is something I never thought I would experience but I am glad I did. I have also realized the value of living up everyday to it's fullest!!


What do you consider your biggest life achievement at this point?

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Not having succumbed to life's hardships :) I am still around and I am pretty much (positively) surprised of myself.



I would again like to pass on this question (it would be nice if more people would answer the same questions, I think) :)



What do you consider your biggest life achievement at this point?

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My greatest achievement so far was graduating college. I was a hard 5 years and there were many times that I didn't think I would make it!


I will go ahead and pass on the same question again ;)


What do you consider your biggest life achievement at this point?

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To still be level headed & have a fairly positive outlook on life ! I have had a lot of personal issues to deal with in my life,my mum died when i was 15 years old,ive had to bury my nephew who was an hour old,my cousin died from leukemia & my sister now has liver disease to mention just a few.


Same question..



What do you consider your biggest life achievement at this point?

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I would have to say my two kids, it was truly an achievement that they matured into the wonderful people they are in spite of my immaturity of having them at a young age and my doubts at bringing them up properly, I thought I had failed miserably.



What would be your idea of a perfect day?

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To have my husband take my kids away for a whole day, with no phone calls from him. To have the whole house tidy the day before, have nobody asking for anything, and just laze about. To do NOTHING for a day without feeling guilty. That would be heaven....



If you could change your career overnight, what would you like to do?

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A TRUE soulmate. When I was child I always dreamed that I had a twin-sister. Every night before falling asleep that would make me happy and I'd fantasize up things we would get ourselves into to. Very strange thing is that I still miss her, eventhough I never had a twinsister :(



If you (by miracle) could chose what family you would be born into (before you're conceived obviously) would you chose your family and if not what kind of family would you chose?

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FairY, I have a twin... believe me, it's not all its cracked up to be ;) Lots of rows!


I would choose my own family. I have the best family in the world. I would change some of the genes though, particulary the cholesterol one, and perhaps my brother would still be alive.



If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be?



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