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The number one component is patients. You have to be willing to invest time. If your bird is wild then you have to invest a lot of time. There are several good books around on parrot behavior. If you are REALLY into trying to learn, there are several courses.


This one is expensive, and you have to travel to them…



This online course looks interesting…



The first step is the step up step down command:



The simple truth is you will have to invest a lot of time in developing a relationship with your Grey.


Good Luck!<br><br>Post edited by: Qweevox, at: 2007/01/29 22:45

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Welcome Sardar :) If your bird is still wild at the age of 3 I think it'll take a little bit longer for it to be tamed than for a few months-old bird. That said: I agree with Qweevox, if you have patience I'm sure you will get it done ;)

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All birds can be trained. Even more important, you must allow them to train you too as it is a two way process to better understanding.


Yingshiong is an old whiterumped shama when he came to me. He was caught from the wild (sadly). Shamas are so shy that they will not even eat if you look at them and are classified as aviary bird.


I thought differently thinking the info on them are self fullfilling prophecies. Within a month, Yingshiong flew to me and landed on me.


Greys are timid, but shamas might well be 20 times more timid.


It is not just patience that you need to train and bond with your bird. There are certain technigues and mindset that you need too.


Read Part 2 Tinkerbell Legacy for the road map and procedures of training in URL in my signature.





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