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Hanging Upside-down and Dance?!?


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When I got Gizmo about 2 months ago at a year, he didn't talk, just whistled. Now on command I taught him to make chicken noises, laser gun noises, we're working on an evil laugh, water noises and "feed me cookies!". The only trick I taught him is to shake hands/foot and finger.

Question is: I am ready for a new trick, what is the best way in your opinion to teach him to hang upside down/play dead on the floor or table.

And: how would I go about teaching him to dance or something there abouts?

TIA :)




PS. Good bird dancing video if you haven't already seen it!


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I'm not sure if you can teach him to hang upside down, that's something they do naturally when playing ;) As for playing dead i know some greys do lie on their backs but this an unnatural position for them to be in,many of the smaller birds such as conures dont mind it but dont force your grey.

For the dancing i play music to my greys & say "lets boogie " i bob up & down & sway from side to side !! :)

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Yes, maybe if I show Klaus a video of Tracy and her birds kickin' it, he'll get into dancing as well. I dance (gently) with Klaus on my shoulder and I'm not sure but I think he'd prefer I didn't. (And NO I am not a bad dancer!)

Also, I have seen "dancing" perches. They are flexible and you attach them to the side of the cage, put on the music and watch 'em go. I don't have one of those for Klaus (yet).

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This is how I started to get my grey to play with me upside down...

Now he is constantly asking for it. He comes to me lift one of his feet up, lean on one side, grab on my finger and flip on his back...he loves it!

(I will try to get a clip of him doing that...its hard because he gets distracted as soon as I get the cam...)

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