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Started to Sketch again !


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Well as some of you may already know i was fortunate to give up at work at xmas & stay at home with the loves of my life my greys ;) So as Judy quite rightly said to me i do have time on my hands, So i thought i would start to sketch again something i enjoyed in my teenage years ! i'm a bit rusty & need some practice but heres my first effort for many years, my dear little Soldier :)


DSC01030.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/01/15 19:45

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Tracy ( i hope you dont mind me calling you that :blush: ) you have an excellent depth perception! try drawing with 4b pencils i find them more neutral with a natural mis of gray and black!



heres an exercise for you take a picture of your bird, upload it to the computer and with the help of a photo program , flip it upside down, then draw from top to bottom..why you might ask? its because we have two brain hemepsiheres sp? left and right the right is the artistic visual side and left is the one concerned with math and language our every day life sometimes requires us to use the left side more often, this exercise confuses your left brain by not being able to tell what the picture is there for ur critical side the side that usually tells u when u draw (This is how a mouth should look like or this is how an ear should look like is more quite and the right side steps in and takes over by putting every detail in paper as how it see's it! gradually youll be able to switch from left to right when you draw and you wont have to flip the picture upside down try it its amazing! you will know if ur using your right side becuase you tend to loose track of time and your thoughts are literally clear i love that state!


heres some of my sketchs if you dont mind me uploading some on your thread, oh and if ur wondering why my name isnt signed by the bottom its because i grew up in a somewhat conservative muslim family that thought by righting my name ''abd-allah'' which means servent of allah in arabic on paper that one day i might drop my drawing or so on the ground which could insult gods name...i dont follow that faith anymore...okay ill shup up now point is i love drawing email me at bastard_x5@hotmail.com we can exchange some pictures


for other people id recommend reading ''Drawing on the right side of the brain , by betty edwards i think'' really excellent book




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