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mating dance please help me


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my grey has justdone a mating dance well i think it was a dance of some kind, he was regurgitating food then made srange noises and proceeded to dance showing his back and dropping his wings is this a male or feemale dance , we were told that he was a male but the dance was similar to my female cockatiels. some one please help me my books dont tell me anything.

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It does sound like some kind of mating dance especially when you mention the dropping of the wings, that definitely sounds like sexual behavior but as far as whether it means male or female, I don't know. Maybe it is time to have it DNA tested so you will know for sure.


Maybe some of the other members know more about this subject and provide some insight.

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Just ignore Charlie and if he is on you when starting to display that type of behaviour, take him back to his cage or play-stand and let him chill out for a while. This should start slowing down that behaviour.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/13 23:47

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It definitely is sexual behavior. Mazy has been doing some of the same things with me. She is not regurgitating but is allowing me and wanting me to pet her body, not just her head and neck. Especially at night. She turns her back to me and backs into me. The wings lower and spread, and she always tries to climb on my hand with one foot and cover it with her spread wings. The strange noises, cooing, ooooohhhhhhh's, and low garbled cackles. This behavior is mostly at night or when the teo of us are alone. Mazy doesn't chew up wood much or shred paper too often, but she is now. Funny how it's in a pile like a nest. I agree and am doing what Dan suggested to you. IGNORE this behavior, put her in the cage, walk away, whatever it takes for you to not show interest.

DFon't be surprised if you find an egg in the cage one day. I'm expecting to even though I'm doing what I can to discourage this behavior. There are some good threads here if this indeed happens which will help you in that case.

Good Luck

Bruce & Mazy

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"greyt advice" ! How cute!


Our Mr. Boo does this with my sister too. He drops his wings, wags his tail, cheep-cheeps, regurgitates, starts huffing (sounds like an ashtma attack!) and rubs his beak on her.


We try to change his mind as much as possible. If we can't derail his dance, then he goes back to the top of his house. It isn't slacking off a bit so far, and it's been a few months.... but I am learning that it takes a l-o-n-g time get thru to a grey! lol!

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