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Tip's for getting your grey to eat/try new foods.


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As many new Grey owners are joining the forum many are asking the same question ,How do i get my grey to eat fruit & vegetables ? Many birds are picky or reluctant to try new foods, so i thought i would compile a list of suggestions that they may like to try to encourage their birds to eat a healthy balanced diet.Please feel free to add any additional tips you have.


The crafty approach - Try adding your birds favourite treat to new foods,you can push the treat into new foods & as your grey tries to retrieve the treat he will have to pick pass the new food.


Try offering new foods in the morning along with your birds regular food,Birds are hungriest in the morning & may be more willing to try new foods out.


Birds are social creatures,try eating a new food with your bird watching you,they may be more inclined to want to have a taste if they see you enjoying it.


Be persistent keep offering new foods everyday,even if your bird just throws it on the floor at least he has touched the new texture.It may take months for your grey to accept a new food .


A kebab stick, specially made bird kebab sticks can be purchased, Add different coloured fruit & vegetables & leave it for a few hours,as the bird investigates he will more than likely touch the food.


Presentation- Some greys love chunk's of food to hold while others will enjoy finely chopped or mashed food.Offer some foods cooked & served warm, while others for example carrots can be offered raw.Discover how your grey likes his food.


These are just a few of my own personal tips & i welcome any additional tips members may have.<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/01/10 14:09

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  • 4 weeks later...

I Charlie doesnt want to eat somthing it would like him to eat, I eat it right in front him, when he's out of his cage. Then I'll offer it to him, but take it back and "eat" it some more. But the time he does get it in his beak, he grabs it , as if to say... "Give me that! I'll show you I can eat it!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll tell you all what seems to work for me.


As the "flock leader", it's almost your duty to let your bird know that what you are giving it is actually a delicious treat. I will put the food near him, if he doesn't eat it I'll pull it away, bite a bit off myself and sa, "mmm niceeee, here you go Coco try it!". He'll try it usually, obviously if he tries it and doesn't eat it more he just doesn't like it :laugh:


Hope this helps <3

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  • 5 months later...

Ive tried eating it and giving him the food he doesnt like it ;( he really likes his seeds ive been trying to cut him off but he just ignores all the other food...the only thing he eats is grapes ( he loves them so much we use them as a bribe or treat) and pairs .. if i put anything else in his food he'll just throw it out or ignore the fact that there is food all day.. at the end of the day he gets so hungry but continues to ignore so i mix some seeds in to his food and again he throws everything other then the seeds out of the pot! Help!

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Try introducing new foods in the morning,this is when our greys are at their hungriest ;) give him a seperate bowl of fruit or veggies & leave it with him for a few hours,dont mix his seed in with it.It takes time & patience to introduce new foods,keep trying & dont give up.


Here is a thread on what foods are members feed their greys,it will give you a few ideas for alternatives..



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