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Stupid Question. Please do not laugh..


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I was a psychology major in college, and took a semester of human sexuality. The first day all we did was watch every animal in the freaking world have sex :ohmy:. I totally don't remember what they said about the bird though. The only ones that will forever stick in mind are the wasp (the male uses his little penis to swab out the female's va-gi-gi to remove any previous male's sperm before depositing his own :huh:), a little rodent that has sex continually and then dies because of lack of food and sleep, and the very well-endowed elephant.


There was also a nun who sat in front of me for about 2 weeks before she couldn't take it anymore and never returned. I also remember a guy who fell asleep and someone put a female condom on his chest (the teacher was having us pass it around). When he woke up and saw it, he completely freaked out :lol:.

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Hannah_Rae wrote:

I read that the only bird that has a penis is the swan.


And ducks. My mom grew up on a farm, and said they had horny ducks. After they were through with the hen, they would run away with their heads lowered, and their little penis dangling behind them. My mom said it looked like rigatoni pasta :lol:.

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Boy now I know why people suggest this chat site. What a topic :) Actually I found this very interesting. What I always wonder is how some people can have a reference site so ready to give out when needed? I saw on Animal Planet just last week about that little rat who dies after having sex so long he doesn't eat. Amazing what men give up for sex::woohoo: :woohoo:


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Well Toni, you bring Up a good Point. Thank God us men have a Johnson, because I can't think how we would be able to have a way we could please a women. (DIKES not included) We would not be able to handle your nagging us without a Johnson and a place to put it.


Love Joe

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