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birdies are fab!

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Hi. my name is charliesmum i have owned charlie for about 15 years and he is now 25 and i love him to bits.i als have a regents parrot called berty, 2 cockatiels called george and belle, a hamster called monty and a 13 year old german shepherd called lady. its kind of a crazy house but i love it i am 25 and live with my mum , boyfriend,brother and his girlfriend and my 6 year old niece comes every two weeks to stay.alot of animals and a lot of people:cheer:

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Hello and welcome to the family, Charliesmum, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Charlie.


I see from your introduction that you have quite the flock but 2 less amazons due to a step dad, even though you don't have them with you I am sure you do get to see them from time to time, I hope.


How interesting that you have a grey that is the same age as you, your participation in this forum will give us members of younger greys an insight into what we can expect as they get older. And I am sure you have some stories you could tell us from the years you have had Charlie, maybe you will share a few with us sometime.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any specific questions you may have. We will do our best to help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Charlie you would like to share with us we would love to see him and we have an other birds section where you can post photos of them also if you would like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi there, yes i love all my birds to bits! eventhough charlie my grey ( the lord and master) decided after his 1 and a half hour tickle session ( this happens every night ) he took a chunk out of my finger!!! needless to say i told him NO and that mummy was not there for that and i moved away from his cage. he was looking at me to see what i was doing but at the same time saying " you ok, you alright, its ok, its ok. so i went back over to him and told him that i was ok then he went for me again!!!! ( and the things i do for him). so i gave him a time out , i covered his cage with a sheet for ten mins. after he was all loving again.

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