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The Worse Of Times..


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Hi everyone.. Yeah I know, you haven't seen me around lately.. Let me explain so you don't think I'm being anti-social


I have been involved in a relocation by my company.. I currently live in NY and I am being relocated to Coral Springs Florida. I hate moving. Especially when it's out of state. All the things you have to do and plan for.


First I had to spend a few weeks in Florida looking for a house. Then I had to contact moving companies. Boy did I learn stuff about moving companies. Finally we had to pack the entire house. That was after I cleaned out the attic, basement and garage. Jeezzz there was so much junk there I could not believe it. I feel sorry for the garbage man..


Then came the packing.. We lived in the house we are in for about 10 years. Needless to say we have LOTS of stuff that needs to be packed. Our closing date WAS January 11th so we are basically packed up and waiting.


Now the fun starts. The buyer of my house in NY had a buyer for his house. That buyer had a buyer for his house and that buyer had a buyer for his house.. At the end of this long chain was a buyer that decided that he didn't want to go along with the purchase.. The entire chain came screeching to a halt.. :( :( :( :( It's a disaster. Literary a disaster. You see now I'm not moving when I thought I was.. AND I have no job anymore bacause the company replaced me already. OMG.. Talk about a turn of events... Now I have to wait for my buyer to resell his house.. This is gonna be a nasty New Year for me.. :(


Anyway, that's why you haven't been seeing me.. To be honest I haven't been in the mood lately.. :(

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CD - That is a horrific chain of events for you and your family. I can not imagine the stress and anxiety you have and are going through.


Tomorrow is a new year and a new start for you on a completely different and adventurous path for you and family. It must be a big and wonderful change-up that destiny has had their for you all along. :-)


You hang in there and stay in touch!! PM anytime CD!!

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This is truly a nightmare for you and your family, Frankie, but this will pass and things will get better real soon and then you can look back on this and laugh. Events such as this try our patience but you will overcome this obstacle and come out the better for having gone thru it.


I know that 2008 will be your best year yet so take a deep breath and know that your friends are here for you any time you need us and that goes double for me.

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y'know CD i was wondering where you'd got off to.


i really must say that is one big huge red flag wavin, thinking about a company that number 1: did not assist your relocation (it is customary to do so) and number 2: 'replaced you already'!


i would be eminently thankful and breathing a huge sigh of relief to be rid of a company that treated you WRONG before you even started there!


what a blessing you did not uproot your entire life and family for a company that had no ethics.


granted you went through about 100 flaming hoops of fire but on the bright side when it is all said and done, you are still in your own house and in familiar surroundings and hey hey it's clean! so you'll be that much more at the ready next opportunity.


now how are you making ends meet in the meantime? i always had real good luck with contract work.

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Don't worry CD, everything will turn out fine! We miss you here.. don't stay away for so long!!


It's a new year. A time for new opportunities and beginnings! You will get everything worked out and it will all work out in the end. We are here for you!

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sandra902 wrote:

y'know CD i was wondering where you'd got off to.


i really must say that is one big huge red flag wavin, thinking about a company that number 1: did not assist your relocation (it is customary to do so) and number 2: 'replaced you already'!


Thank you for your thoughts. It's not my company's fault this happened. They didn't cause any of this.


As far as me being replaced. I hand picked my replacement. It was ME that caused that to happen so quickly.


I made a call yesterday and got my replacement put on hold. :)


Anyway, I'll keep this thread updated for those that want to follow along. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2008/01/01 14:57

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Oh my Frankie, that does sound like a major headache and I certainly can appreciate what you're going through. When I was on active duty with the Navy I had to transfer stations 4 times in 7 years, and two of those moves were to and from Spain - and that with young kids :S


This year we're looking to expand our west coast presence and from the looks of it, I have to head to CA for at least a year. My partner and I are going back and forth re: what to do with the real estate situation. I know I'm going to keep the house here in Maryland, but we're completely at odds as to what to do in CA. I would prefer to buy something in CA and he's totally jumpy about the real estate market out there. It's totally volatile, but I also think there are tremendous deals to be made right nowin real estate - we can sit it out until 2011, I think by then the prices will be stable again. He wants us to rent and I just don't see paying off someone else's house!


I talked to a realtor in CA and he feels the market is going to bottom out in the summer. My mortgage banker feels it already has. But the realtor has a good point - he pointed out that in CA foreclosures only stay on people's credit records for 2 years. So someone who is in a $500K house takes a look down the street at a fabulous upgrade that came available for $300K - they buy the $300K house, and just let the $500K house go to foreclosure! Is that wild or what!!! So the realtor is feeling there are a bunch of those kinds of deals still unfolding creating more trouble in the market.


So LOL! I feel your pain!!! Can you rent out your place until it's sold? I know there are plenty of people in NYC who are doing contract work and need a place for a certain period of time - there are brokers who deal with chort term leases as well, execuitve stay brokers?


Take care and hang in there! This too needs to pass (at some point!!)




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  • 1 month later...

Just to update this situation for my friends here. We ended up finding another buyer for my buyer. That was sort of a miracle if you ask me. Anyway, we are closing in a week or two. It's a good thing too because I have no job now. :(


Anyway, soon things will be back in order for me and the family. I look forward to the days of hanging out here with all you guys. Those days are just around the corner now. :):)


I want to thank everyone that said things would work out. You were truely right. :) :)

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Yep, the site has had a big hole missing and that is you Frankie but it will soon end and you will be back to keep us in line:whistle: and get back to having a little fun for a change.


What a nightmare this has all been but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and we can't wait to have you join us here again.:)

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