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TAG passed away last night


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Well I'm sad to say that m Timneh, Harley, passed away last night. This was my first grey and he was only 11 months old. He was fine yesterday and they come yesterday afternoon I noticed that he was very quiet and sleeping a lot. I held him for a while before I put him to bed and he was walking around and chirping like normal. I put him to bed and I woke up early this morning to find him lying on the bottom of the cage.


We did make a road trip about 1,050 miles from Va Beach, Va to Iowa. We have been here for a week now and he was eating plenty and being his normal self until yesterday afternoon. Any ideas what can cause a sudden death like this? I think I will take him to the vet to see if they can figure anything out.


Thanks DSC01274.jpg


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Hello Christoph,


That is so sad and I am certain you are heartbroken.


It could have been from numerous things. Since you want to know the cause. The only way to find out, would be to have a Necropsy performed by a Vet. As you indicated.


You have my condolences. I can not imagine the grief.

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Chris, I am so sorry about your loss of Harley, how devastating to lose a 11 month old grey and my heart goes out to you in your time of grief.


More than likely it was something that you had no control over so please do not blame yourself, it may have been some kind of abnormality but the only way to know is to have a necropsy performed.


From his photo you shared with us, he was a handsome little fella and I am sure he knew how much you loved him.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your heart will heal from this loss and perhaps one day you will be able to fill that hole with love for another grey if that is what you want.

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My parents have a self cleaning oven, but she (Mom) says that the self cleaner hasn't been used for about six years.


Harley is off for a necropsy at Iowa State University.


Hopefully they will know something.


Thanks for all the replies


Oh and that picture was taken of Harley a couple of weeks ago.

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U r welcome! I am very sorry for you. We try so hard to make it all safe but sometimes they do get ill and it can come as a surprise. Maybe it was a space heater? They sometimes have teflon coating in them.


I am sure its not your fault, these things happen, You gave him a good home while you could. I am sure he loved you.


Well do let us know what they find, please? And don't forget, if it wasn't the environment, you can always safely clean his old cage using bleach/water, and all the toys too, u can put those in the dishwasher to sterilize them, and then you can adopt a little grey who needs a home.


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Very sorry about your loss. But thank you very much ahead of time for sharing the results (when you get them) of the necropsy with us. As a new bird-mom, these types of situations scare the petudies out of me, and I appreciate any insights people here can provide to help us newbies avoid such a tragedy.


So, thank you for this.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi, Chris,


We know what it's like to loose a feathered kid. We got Poco, our Eclectus, when she was 4 months old. She passed away shortly after turning 2.


Take time to grieve. I know you have a void in your heart, but it will get better. Harley will always live in your heart and memory.


We are very sorry for your loss....


Ralph and Dotty

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