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What do you feed your Grey?


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I know many have asked this question, but i would like to know what are the best seed based foods to feed? Like Brody get's Eclectus Select because it's his favorite, he also gets Goldenfeast and Beak Appetit cooked foods, and all the other stuff, veggies, fruites, birdie breads, etc. But, what kind of seed/pellet do you use for your baby?




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Hi there . Welcome. You asked about seeds? I really don't feed my CAGS any seeds, except an occasional sunflower seed,but they're too fattening its just a treat once a week.


On Pellets, I feed Buddi Rowdy Bush small size and Rowwdy Bush Rice-- but she throws the rice ones they're shaped like little saucers. Also she gets some Zu Preem natural, not the colored ones. I feed Charlie Harrisons coarse and Rowdy BUsh small, and he also gets the Zu Preem natural. I try to keep them on more than one just in case.


Cooked food, Beak Apetit, some crazy corn mix and mixed beans. They get bored with the cooked food so I change it up and add vegetables, esp. Yams. Cooked cornn on the cob is a favorite. They also like omelettes with a bit of cheese once a week, and Oatmeal daily with red palm oil.... more but i cant remember now. I go easy on fruit, too sugary. Some apple and tangerines, sugar snap peas...brussels sprouts.<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/29 07:35

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Same here, not too many seeds. Treat I give him sunflower or pumpkin seeds. His pellets are Zupreem, Fruit Flavor blend. I tried Harrisons and he wouldnt eat for a whole day. He also loves sweet peas, snap peas, carrots and broccoli. Once awhile cooked or raw macaroni.He loves bananas but given once awhile

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Hi Lisa,


I give Dayo Browns Tropical Carnival Gourmet Small Hook-bill seed blend.




He also gets Pellets such as Zupreem Fruity Blend and Harrison's Coarse (which he eats little of), veggies, fruit and scrambled eggs with Palm Oil mixed in.


He also eats out of my dinner plate, which I believe he thinks is now is God given right. :-)

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Some seeds are very high fat (sunflower, safflower, pumpkin), and others are not. Grains and seeds can make a valuable contribution to the diet as long as you also include fresh vegetables, some legumes, fruit, a few nuts. My grain/seed mix includes red and white millet, oat groats, hulless barley (not pearl which is refined), quinoa, amaranth, raw buckwheat. To these low fat grains, I add some hulled sunflower, and canary seed. I mix up a two month supply, and then scoop out some in the evening, rinse in a small strainer, then soak overnight in a cup or bowl. Drain in the morning, rinse, then feed.


This overnight soaking starts the germinating process and increases the nutrition dramatically, while the fat content is lowered. The birds like it and it's good for them. I mix the soaked seed (or you can continue to sprout for another 12 to 24 hours, rinsing several times) with sprouted or cooked legumes, finely chopped fresh vegetable mix, and a little fresh fruit. These soaked seeds are a daily part of their diet, and remember most of the mix is grains, not high fat seeds.


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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old thread, I just thought I'd use it to ask what you all feed your grey's? Alfie is getting incredably fussy - the veggie mash she used to wolf down like she'd never been fed doesn't hold as much appeal for her now. I've tried steaming it it for more of a crunch, but the dogs get that instantly! I've tried some of the recipes I found on the recipe thread - and she loves the scrambled egg, but of course she can only have that now and again. Her morning fruit, which also used to get eaten with relish is also now being hoyed to the dogs.

I think her appatite is ok, because she is trying to steal alsorts of stuff that is no good for her - buttery toast, milky cereal....pizza!!Just turning her beak up at the stuff I need her to eat!

Help please??!!



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Lyn - Harvey's exactly the same - stuff he used to love is being ignored, or just plain kicked out of the bowl (I've watched him do it - he means business). What I have found that works though is if I add a bit of palm oil when the food is still warm and it coats it when it solidifies - and he wolfs it down then! I think they are as fussy and as choosy as us when it comes to food!

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